Today, I had to decide1Technically, I didn’t have to decide anything. I could have stayed in bed and eaten nacho chips all day. The thought did cross my mind.: Walk or run?
I figured I’d start a walk and once I got to the lake, I’d make the decision there. Easy peasy.
And the walk there was quite pleasant compared to yesterday: A bit warmer, with increasing sun and no rain. None! Yay!
Once I got to the lake, I opted not to run, because it was getting late in the afternoon and I still felt I wasn’t quite ready. But I did do a lot of running on the 4 km back and got a sense for how a longer run might go. I did one solid km of running for the 6th km and my pace was surprising–5:27/km! Much faster than I might have expected.
Curiously, my right knee/leg actually felt better when running. The tendons behind the knee felt a bit tight when walking, but felt fine when stretching for the running bits. My shins suddenly made themselves known, but that’s normal after a layoff from running. Overall, I feel it went well.
My training status also finally ticked over from Recovery to Maintaining. That’s what shaving 42 seconds off your pace will do, I guess.
I’ll walk again tomorrow, then see if I’m finally ready to run on Wednesday. It will have been 26 days since I last run by then (about the same as last year, when I went 25 days between runs with a similar injury), but I think these walks have done a good job of getting me ready.

Walk 107
Average pace: 7:58/km
Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 8.03 km
Time: 1:03:55
Weather: Sun and cloud
Temp: 13-14°C
Humidity: 60%
Wind: light
BPM: 132
Weight: 169.6 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 803.59 km