Walk 125: Bear with me

Brunette River, shortly into the walk.

I decided I needed to get out and touch trees, so I dressed for a run, not really planning to run, but better to be prepared. I didn’t really prepare as well as I should, because I opted to not wear sunblock, though fortunately that didn’t come back to burn me, as there was lots of shade and the sun was often diffused by what seemed to be encroaching (though still relatively light) smoke haze.

When I got to the lake, I had to use the loo, then decided after to stretch the walk from 8 km to 10, but miscalculated and ended up stretching to 11 by completing the full Spruce/Conifer Loop before starting back homeward. On the way back I started listening to music, which put some pep in my step.

I was about 500 meters or so from the entrance to the river trail at North Road, and roughly 2 km from home when I rounded a corner and spied a large black bear up the trail ahead of me. When I say large, I mean big enough to probably swat me dead with one good swipe of its salmon-fresh paws, just like in the movie Grizzly, which traumatized me in 1976 (and was also very stupid, but also awesome to 12-year-old me).

The bear seemed more interested in its general vicinity, so I was able to discreetly backpedal around the bend without it seeing me, after which I jogged a safe distance away, to contemplate next steps.

As it turns out, a short time later, a cycling couple came by. I flagged them down, they confirmed the bear, but said it was wandering off and was likely now gone. Did I feel lucky? I called Jeff and this allowed me to “make noise” by talking to him while I cautiously walked forward. Eventually I came across a couple walking and did not notice a bear chasing them, which was a good sign. I asked them about the bear and they laughed and said probably the only English they knew, which was, “Sorry, we don’t speak English.” Fair enough. I was pretty close to the North Road exit now, so continued on, bear-free.

As for the actual walk, some running, but not a lot, and more than I’d expected, because I hadn’t built-in “jogging a safe distance away from a giant bear” into the outing. It was warm and a bit muggy, but not too bad in the shade. The light had that weird yellow cast to it that said smoke haze was probably rolling through.

Overall, I was glad to get out, glad to not get eaten by a giant bear, and will be relieved when the bears go off to hibernate for the winter, so I only have to worry about rogue coyotes or maybe especially squirrelly squirrels.

NOTE: I very briefly thought about taking a photo of the bear, but figured it made more sense to move back, since it hadn’t noticed me. I’d like to think that was my version of some kind of survival instinct.

Graffiti on the No. 1 Highway overpass. Also what I got after seeing the black bear.
Walk 125
Average pace: 8:09/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 11:02 km
Time: 1:40:53
Weather: Sunny with haze
Temp: 27-28°C
Humidity: 58-55%
Wind: light
BPM: 113
Weight: 166.9 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 918.2 km

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