Walk 17: Come undone

Not me, my shoelaces. In what may be a record, both shoelaces came untied multiple times. The right lace came untied about five times. By the end I think it was openly mocking me, just jerking me around because it could. “Getting up a nice head of steam? How would you like to stop and have to tie me up yet again? Haha, there you go. I promise to stay tied for twenty seconds this time. And by twenty I mean five.”

I was a bit slower on the way out, but made up for it on the return, ending with the exact same pace as yesterday, even though it was warmer still–24ºC, which is kind of crazy for late September–and sweating was copious. I felt weird at the start of the trail, as if I was weak from not eating or something (I had toast and jam in the mid-afternoon), but it seemed to clear up as I pressed on, and though the running part started a bit slow, I did find my pace, albeit with copious shoelace interruptions.

I’m not sure what to do about the shoelaces yet. Clearly I am doing something wrong in tying them, but we’ll see if I can magic them into place or just get new laces or maybe run barefoot or something.

Anyway, it was still good to get out and despite the summer-like weather, there were fewer people out and aboot, which was nice (he says, swearing he is not anti-social).


Walk 17
Average pace: 7:39/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.54 km
Time: 57:58
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 24ºC
Humidity: 55%
Wind: light
BPM: 122
Weight: 170.1 pounds
Total distance to date: 129.87 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

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