The weather is being weird right now, with fall working in reverse, each day being warmer than the previous. It felt more like mid-July when I headed out. I mean, it was nice, but weird. There is a bit of smoke haze back, but not nearly as bad as for–you can still see the sky, for one. It was also quite humid again.
All that said, I felt peppy heading out and was somewhat saddened when my first km of running showed a pace of 5:37/km (which would have been awesome a few days ago). I pushed slightly for the second km and my pace dropped to 5:16/km. I can confidently say this is the fastest I have moved in a single km in quite awhile. I ended with an overall pace of 7:26/km, which is also a new high (or low, depending on your perspective).
The only real down note were a couple of dog owners. One couple had a toy dog of some sort. It looked a bit like a Greyhound that had been zapped with a shrink ray and for some reason they kept it on leash (good), but then let the dog drag the leash behind it (weird and bad, because the leash was probably four meters long. I was able–while still walking–to catch up to the trailing leash and easily could have stepped or tripped on it). This wasn’t too bad, though. The other dog owner had three dogs, in small, medium and large sizes, all of them off-leash for the triple bad strikeout. The small dog was trailing behind and nearly got caught underfoot as I passed it. The owner was oblivious to it.
The medium dog was the bets-behaved, sticking close to the owner. The large dog, which looked like a husky or a husky cross, was well ahead of the owner. As I moved over and began to pass, the large dog took interest in me. It was friendly, but having a large dog approach me while running is never a good thing, because dogs are dumb and unpredictable. This is why they need to be leashed when in public (sorry, dog owners, dogs are dumb. So are cats. And rabbits. Plus rabbits will pee on you. But I digress.) As the dog approached, I turned my head back to the owner and uttered my favorite phrase to all dog owners:
Leash your dog(s).
That was it. I kept running and I gave my free advice with no malice in my voice, just a simple request. I don’t think the owner had a leash, let alone three of them. But now she knows at least one person is not impressed with her free-stylin’ dog walking.
Back to the walk, though–I was quite pleased by it. I’ll do another walk/run tomorrow and then probably do a full 5K on Sunday. Current forecast is calling for 17C and light rain, which is a lot more typical for early October and is fine by me, as rain means fewer people.
Walk 19 Average pace: 7:26/km Location: Brunette River trail Distance: 7.54 km Time: 56:06 Weather: Sunny Temp: 24ºC Humidity: 54% Wind: light BPM: 130 Weight: 169.9 pounds Total distance to date: 144.65 km Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8