Today is allegedly the last day the “heat dome” is stuck over BC, as it’s now moving toward Alberta. That means instead of being insanely hot, it was only regular hot, with a high of 33. It was a bit below that when I went on my walk and as strange as it seems, it felt actually not that bad when compared to 42 degrees.
I did run a tiny bit through a few shady stretches, but not much, because it’s still not great weather for harder exertion. I kept up a decent walking pace, though, and had no issues, save for my left shoelace mysteriously coming untied twice. The second time the shoe seemed to be mocking me for trying to tie the lace so there was no way it could possibly come untied.
The next walk/run should feature temperatures below 30 degrees–brr!
Walk 42 Average pace: 9:17/km Location: Brunette River trail Distance: 7.34 km Time: 68:09 Weather: Sunny Temp: 31ºC Humidity: 42% Wind: light BPM: 125 Weight: 179.1 pounds Total distance to date: 318.18 km Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12