Walk 59: I did it again

By which I mean I got so fully into run mode that when I hit the 6 km mark (and had two full km of run completed) I automatically stopped the workout, which I did not mean to do, as I still had 1.66 km of walking left (see Part B, below).

That said, this was another good effort and save for a few moments of creakiness right toward the end of the initial running stretch in my lower right back, I felt fine.

Well, I felt a little guilty. Today would normally be a run day, not a run/walk day, but I started rather late than intended, so opted for the combo instead. I can’t say I entirely regret it, as it was still a decent workout.

And it was very humid, showers having occurred earlier in the day. This assured there would be sweating, but no dry mouth. I can live with the trade-off.

My average pace of the combined efforts averages out to 7:38/km, which seems too fast, but is…possible. My running pace was 5:36 and 5:37/km, which is probably my best 1-2 so far this year.


Walk 59
Average pace: 7:55/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 6.04 km
Time: 47:53
Weather: Sunny with some cloud
Temp: 17ºC
Humidity: 72%
Wind: light
BPM: 127
Weight: 178 pounds
Total distance to date: 451.09 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12

Part B:

Walk 59b
Average pace: 7:21/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 1.66 km
Time: 12:16
Weather: Sunny with some cloud
Temp: 17ºC
Humidity: 72%
Wind: light
BPM: 146
Weight: 178 pounds
Total distance to date: 452.75 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12

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