The rational part of my brain knows it can be pleasant and sunny in early October, but the silly part of my brain still has trouble wrapping around how summer seems to be continuing to roll along. It got up to 25C today (this will end up being a record) and was officially 23C for my early afternoon walk (with a very minor bit of running).
For the second half of the walk I listened to Monster and as is often the case my pace improved as I rocked out in my head. Overall it was nice to get out, and I paused a few times to take pictures of the disturbingly low river (we’ll be passing the salmon up in a bucket brigade to help them spawn if the dry weather continues on much longer). The FIRE DANGER signs, removed a week ago after a sprinkle, are back in place.
The photo below shows just how low the water is–I could easily walk across to the other side of the river–and the other side usually has no shoreline at all. So while it was a beautiful day for a walk, it also felt a tiny bit unsettling.

Walk 85 Average pace: 9:15/km Location: Brunette River trail Distance: 8.08 km Time: 74:45 Weather: Sunny Temp: 23 °C Humidity: 57% Wind: light BPM: 106 Weight: 157.3 pounds Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12 Total distance to date: 649.13 km