Walk 96: But I can still walk just fine

View from Cariboo dam, mid-walk

I did a walk to the turtle nesting area at Burnaby Lake and back and today I saw no turtles at the nesting area (as usual), nor anywhere else. But there was also no sun for them to bask in, as conditions were cool and cloudy–which would have been nice for running (sob–see previous post).

Still, despite an apparently poor sleep, I managed a very decent pace of 9:07/km and experienced no pain, discomfort, heartbreak or ill-tempered dogs. So it was a nice walk. Even the geese never hissed at me. It seems several families have taken up camp between the dam and the turtle nesting area, so I suspect I’ll be seeing them regularly until the young ones can fly and become true poopmonsters. Speaking of poop, the amount in that area is…growing.

Oh, and on a technical note: If you haven’t connected a Bluetooth device in a while, expect problems. My AirPods refused to connect to my iPhone (“It just works!” has always been a filthy lie) and the issue did not fix itself until I restarted the phone. Technology!

Anyway, it was a nice little outing.


Walk 96
Average pace: 9:07/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 8.40 km
Time: 1:16:35
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 15 °C
Humidity: 63%
Wind: light
BPM: 117
Weight: 166.4 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 719.79 km

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