Walk 98 and 99: Testing the knee

Brunette River, as seen from Lower Hume Park, partway through the first walk

I decided to go for a walk today to see how my right knee would fare.

Good news: It was fine, no issues even as I walked at a very brisk pace at times. This is not to say the knee is better, as it is clearly not, but it does hold some promise for doing a run tomorrow, maybe. Possibly.

I actually split the run in two. When I got to Burnaby Lake, I puttered around for a few minutes, getting a drink at the fountain, and taking some photos. I then headed back on Walk #2. They were very similar.

Unlike yesterday, it was pleasantly warm and sunny. It was nice, and no dogs misbehaved, despite several being off-leash.


Walk 98/99
Average pace: 9:12/km and 9:11/km
Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.47 and 4.29 km
Time: 41:05 and 39:21
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 25 °C
Humidity: 58%
Wind: light
BPM: 118 and 119
Weight: 165.6 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 738.63 km

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