Walk-run 63: The wind blows

Today’s run did not go as expected.

Original plan: 5K run at the lake or river trail.

Actual result: Walk to lake, run back along river trail.

Why: The freaking wind.

I normally check weather conditions before heading out for a run, especially as we get into the fall and winter, to make sure I am dressed properly for the outing. I had checked yesterday and it said it would be sunny and 8C. I figured two layers up top would be fine.

Before heading out, I looked out, confirmed clear skies, and set off.

What I didn’t realize and would have noticed if I had checked the forecast again, was the high wind, gusting up to 25 km/h. The temperature was lower than expected at 5C, but the windchill meant it felt like 0C. My arms (single layer) and upper body were thoroughly chilled on the walk to the lake, so much so that I could not bear the thought of running 2.5 km into that wind before being able to turn around and having it at my back.

Instead, I just ran back along the river trail. At one point I checked and my heart rate was a somewhat unnerving 170 BPM, due to the cold. I did my best to slow down, but am glad I didn’t go farther than I did.

I have learned my lesson. The next time it looks to be windy, I will wear my running jacket, which has worked well even in the rare cases of snow runs.

Since I didn’t plan this walk-run, it’s split between two walks of about 4 km each. I’ve combined the stats accordingly below.

Other than the cold, no other issues were encountered, but the cold was plenty enough. Brr.

Stats (combined):

Walk 63
Average pace: 8:28/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 8.21 km
Time: 69:55
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 5ºC
Humidity: 59%
Wind: moderate to strong
BPM: 130
Weight: 180.3 pounds (fat)
Total distance to date: 478.26 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12

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