Another non-run update:
I didn’t run on Thursday as my recovering throat still felt a little too raw. At first blush it may seem odd that the condition of my throat would determine whether I run or not but consider: when I do an 11K run I am breathing at an accelerated pace for 54-60 minutes and the only way to reasonably scoop in the large amounts of oxygen I need to keep from toppling over is through my mouth, as my nose does not have elephant-sized nostrils (this is, on balance, preferable).
This means that for those 54-58 minutes my mouth and throat are exposed to a constant rush of air. A raw throat would move onto bloody raw after such treatment. Or so I suspect. I’m not willing to test my theory.
I do think I may finally be ready to head out Sunday, which will make it precisely two weeks since the last run, enough time to get me rested to the point of flabbiness. The forecast is for a high of 24ºC with the chance of precipitation starting low in the morning and climbing through the day. I’d likely run in the morning so it may be a bit warmer than seasonal but probably cloudy. Not too bad, then.
I still dread it.
And I finally get my feet/Bollocks looked at when my doctor is back from vacation on October 28th. I want a month-long vacation.
Just not the seven years of medical school.