Looking through my “treasure trove” of unpublished/incomplete blog posts, I found one from January 2019 in which I imagined invoking Godwin’s Law on reader comments made on CBC New stories. A few things before getting to the re-imagined quote:
- I no longer actively read the news. I do not regret this at all and, in fact, do not feel I am less informed on what is happening in the world, or locally, as a result. My inspiration to go news-free came from this post on Experimental History.
- The world would have to endure two more years of Trump as president, and he continues to make headlines as ex-president in all the wrong ways, but thankfully, he is making them as ex-president.
- As always, never read the comments remains stellar advice.
And now the original post:
CBC News headline for an opinion piece that is way too easy to Godwin:
No matter the politics, Trump's wall could provide jobs, stimulus if recession strikes
Godwin version:
No matter the politics, Hitler's concentration camps could provide jobs, stimulus if recession strikes
I imagine you could probably apply this to a lot of things Trump has said, or will continue to say. I, however, am not going to pursue this any further, because I value my brain.