Another recent culling decision was to move to a single reminder/to-do app, and the winner there ended up being Microsoft To Do. TickTick was a close second, and I could see myself possibly going back to it eventually.
The things I like about Microsoft To Do:
- It’s free, with no limitations (free is good, no subscription was my real preference)
- At first, the My Day feature bugged me, but I’ve come to embrace it. It’s basically a blank page for you to add things to and it’s easy to add daily stuff (which is also viewable elsewhere). It provides a way to focus, which I need.
- The UI is unusually pleasant
- Sync works fine, regardless of platform (PC, Mac, phone)
The thing I don’t like:
- The name. Come on, they didn’t even try! And this replaced Wunderlist, which is an absolutely delightful name.
And here is a CGI cat writing a list in Stable Diffusion: