At the end of each semester at the college I work at there is a break of 10 days or so where the college is pretty much shut down. The winter one began a few days before Christmas and I was looking forward to some quality loafing off time. A few days in I developed what turned out to be an awful head cold that lingered on until just before the break ended, meaning I was sick for nearly the entire time. My loafing turned out to be enforced rather than voluntary. I did not like this.
I blamed the germ carriers on mass transit, as I always do.
This past Friday, within a few hours of getting home for the weekend, I developed a clone of the same head cold. As I write this I am experiencing its unpleasant effects in all their glory. I do not like this.
I again blame the germ carriers on mass transit.
In each case it’s as if the head cold was lying in wait until I had some quality free time, then struck as if to say, “Nuh uh! Your free time shall be filled with misery and runny noses!” And lo, it was.
I am also reminded that when I was running regularly I seemed to get sick a lot less often. I hope to resume this month to put that theory to the test. In the meantime, I shake my fist at you, head cold. I shake it weakly and while stifling a cough, but I shake it all the same.