Run 529: The second bonus 5K of vacation

Run 529
Average pace: 5:17/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Start: 9:27 am
Distance: 5.04 km
Time: 26:42
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 19-20ºC
Humidity: 56%
Wind: light
BPM: 177
Weight: 157.3 pounds
Total distance to date: 4119 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone

For once I actually got up and headed out for a run at the actual planned time. On a day I wasn’t planning to run.

But I figured with a movie in the afternoon and dinner after I wouldn’t be getting in a whole lot of activity, so better to get it done early.

With the forecast calling form warmer temperatures, I headed out around 9 a.m. and it was actually up to 20ºC by the time I finished my run, a 5K at the river.

Conditions were nice, with a soft breeze, the sun high enough to not get in the eyes, and enough canopy to make most of the run pleasantly shady. As expected, I pushed a little harder as I often do on the river, coming in with a pace of 5:17/km, one of my better 5Ks of the year. My BPM skyrocketed over yesterday, though, all the way to 177. Apparently I just couldn’t slow down.

My legs felt a bit stiff for the first few km but loosened up after that and I experienced no issues otherwise.

The trail was relatively quiet, a few cyclists and other runners were out. In the end this was perhaps an even better way to end my vacation runs–a quick, brisk and spontaneous jaunt. My next run should theoretically be Tuesday after work. The current forecast is for a high of 29ºC that day. I see profuse sweating in my near-future.

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