Yesterday was the first day of my “write something or draw something or photograph something every day” thing.
I did none of these things.
Actually, that’s not accurate. I did get out the iPad and pencil and did some sketches in Linea, none of which I liked enough to post. But then I didn’t promise quality and you have to start somewhere, so here are all of the sketches in a gallery, with commentary. Enjoy?
Maybe this was going to be a hill. Or a shoulder.
This started as a tree, then I decided I didn't want to draw a tree.
This looks like a character from the Rejected animated short. Except worse.
This looks remarkably like something I would draw when I was 15. If only I was 15.
An unfinished fish. I sort of like the tail. Next time I will only draw the tail.
I kind of like this, even though he only has one foot, poor guy.