If you search for “cat” on Google, you will get approximately 1.67 billion results. In general if you search on Google or other search engines you will get more results than you could ever reasonably look though. They may not necessarily all be quality results (hit 1.67 billion on “cat” may prove unsatisfying) but you will find more than enough to satisfy your needs.
However, it is surprisingly easy to yield few results, quality or otherwise, on things that may not seem particularly obscure, especially if they pre-date the Internet, which the first 30 years or so of my life covers. This means my nostalgic reminisces often rely on my memory or fabrications of memory rather than actual mementos of the past as captured and chronicled on the web.
For example, there was a fudge bar I liked as a kid. I vaguely recall the packaging and that it was just called “fudge” or something. I can’t find it online. All I have is my dusty memory. If I could find it online, who knows, there may even be a modern version I could purchase, to truly immerse myself in the past when everything except clothing and hairstyles was better.
Actually, I just did a search and I’m reasonably sure it was Cadbury’s fudge bar, which is indeed called Fudge. None of the images are of the version I enjoyed in 1975 so my point still sort of stands, mostly. More importantly, I have an incredible urge to stuff my face with fudge.