Where: Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Terra Nova, Richmond Nature House Weather: Sunny, 7ºC
The Outing
No April foolin’, but my telephoto lens was mega-dirty and I got a depressingly large number of blurry shots.
But a few good ones, too.
The best part may have been the weather. The forecast had called for clouds with a chance of showers, but instead it was sunny right up till the very end, when a light shower finally moved in.
We started at Reifel and spent almost four hours there, strolling about, accidentally going down the same trail multiple times, but seeing lots of the usual birds. Swallows are ever-present now, but so far all the winter migrants are still here, too. The geese are mating, so are acting even more berserk and deranged than usual. One of them stared me down and actually made a motion to nip at me, but never followed through. I walked by, and it immediately went back to “nothing inside head, stare blankly into the distance” mode.
After finishing out Reifel, we had lunch then headed to Terra Nova at Nic’s suggestion. I pointed out that we’d be driving right by the Richmond Nature House on the way, so we opted to pop in and at least check the feeders (the trails had not yielded much in past visits).
And lo, we saw the elusive rufous hummingbird! And even though it was occasionally just sitting there, posing, I still wasn’t able to get a good shot. Poop! We also saw some finches and a dove, so it turned out to be a nice detour.
We next went to Terra Nova and observed copious numbers of snow geese flying overhead, heading north, so they also haven’t entirely moved on, either. At Terra Nova itself, we didn’t end up seeing a whole lot. Nic thought there was some exotic bird in a field, but it was just a pigeon (lolz). We mostly saw scenery, planes and encroaching clouds finally promising some precipitation. With Nic’s camera battery trickling down to zero and me on my third of three batteries (I ended up taking over 1,000 photos, several of them in focus!) we decided to head out, only to discover at the entrance to the trail parking that the hundreds of snow geese were landing in a narrow field between the beach and the road. We quickly parked and took a billion goose pictures until Nic’s camera battery died, then left again for real, just as the first sprinkle started. We got delayed slightly as the geese crossed the road into a larger adjacent field. Honk!
The Shots
The Birds (and other critters)
Sparrows and sparrow-adjacent:
- American robin
- Anna’s hummingbird
- Blackbird
- Dove
- European starling
- Golden-crowned sparrow
- House finch
- House sparrow
- Northern flicker
- Purple finch
- Rufous hummingbird
- Song sparrow
- Spotted towhee
- Tree swallow
- Bald eagle
- American coot
- American wigeon
- Bufflehead duck
- Canada goose
- Gadwall
- Great blue heron
- Green-winged teal
- Hooded merganser
- Lesser scaup
- Mallard
- Northern pintail
- Northern shoveler
- Sandhill crane
- Snow goose
- Wood duck
- Crow
- Pigeon
- Seagull
- A few black squirrels