Birding, July 6, 2023: A hazy and humid trip to the river

Where: Sapperton Landing, New Westminster
Weather: Sunny, 28C

The Outing

Feeling somewhat human again after a week of being sick, I ventured over to Sapperton Landing on the Fraser River and spent an hour or so taking in the sights on a day that was quite warm, somewhat hazy and muggy. The light was a challenge, with high cloud causing light to shift from bright sun to shadow, but this was my first real chance to shoot birds with my adjusted diopter and check the results. Overall, I’m fairly happy with the results.

In terms of birds, it was the usual suspects: herons, crows, song sparrows, geese and gulls. Strangely, no ducks at all were to be seen. The bufflehead duck I’d seen around a few times was also absent.

In terms of people, I didn’t see anyone else for nearly the entire time I was there. Someone finally passed me as I was heading out, over an hour after I’d arrived. It was kind of weird.

Overall, it was nice to get out, stretch and test my mad camera skills again.

The Shots

The Birds (and other critters)

Sparrows and sparrow-adjacent:

  • Song sparrow


  • Canada goose
  • Cormorant
  • Great blue heron


  • Crow
  • Seagull


  • None!


  • None that I could see

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