Yes, I’ve completely remade the look of the site. The couple of bots scraping it probably won’t even notice. π
Changes made:
- Super Spud logo removed
- colored text removed from site logo, post headers and sidebar headers and blog titles on home page
- navigation at the top of the site is now sticky and full-width
- footer now full-width to create a kind of visual bookend with the header
- post background now off-white
- site background now medium gray for contrast
- spacing between posts removed (
I actually want to have something to split them a little but haven’t figured how to do that yetEDIT: I found the relevant css and now have a thin line to visually separate posts) - tightened the spacing above social media links in posts and between sidebar widgets
- possibly something else I’ve forgotten about
- added 3% more love
I may chuck it all in a week but for now I kind of like the more subdued, cleaner aesthetic. It will work great with the slightly grainy animated cat gifs I love posting.