Walk 100: Off and walking

View just west of Cariboo Dam, mid-walk

After a slothful day yesterday, I got off my butt and went for a walk today.

I did the same route as last time, but only paused briefly at the lake, so kept it to a single walk for epic stats. Or something.

I was a little faster and BPM was a little lower, but it was also a little cooler, too.

No complications ensued, and I risked not wearing sunscreen due to the copious canopy along the route. I believe I escaped burning.


Walk 100
Average pace: 9:26/km
Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 8.45 km
Time: 1:19:40
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 25 °C
Humidity: 47%
Wind: light
BPM: 116
Weight: 166.3 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 746.38 km

Walk 98 and 99: Warming up

Brunette River, mid-walk

It was warm and getting warmer. As part of my recovery, I am trying to get out and exercise more, even if it’s just walking with no running (especially the day after my first run in 18 days). The knees held up fine, but my upper legs are feeling the after effects of that run.

It was also quite warm and dry. Thankfully, there’s plenty of canopy right now on the river trail. There were other people out early afternoon on the trail, but more at the lake and roughly a billion at Hume Park.

I kept up a decent pace but again chose to split the walk into two halves, stopping at the lake to grab a few photos and to drink copiously at the water fountain near the dam.


Walk 98 and 99
Average pace: 9:30 and 9:32/km
Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.03 and 4.03 km
Time: 38:17 and 38:25
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 27-28 °C
Humidity: 38%
Wind: light
BPM: 115 and 119
Weight: 165.2 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 737.93 km

Walk 97: A running break

View from Cariboo Dam, mid-walk

Today would normally be a run day, but I’ve already done three runs in the past six days, so I decided to just do a walk instead.

Lightly adorned with sunblock, I headed out to the turtle nesting area at Burnaby Lake, then whimsically decided to do the Spruce Loop before turning around and heading back. I went the long way past the dog park in Hume Park, and that allowed me to get in just over 10 km. My Forerunner then told me I was overreaching again. Whoopsie.

But the knees and other body parts feel fine.

No more walks or runs until Monday, though there will be some birding and stuff before then, but no running unless I am being chased by a crazed goose.

Bonus view, just adjacent to the turtle nesting area


Walk 97
Average pace: 9:14/km
Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 10.08 km
Time: 1:33:05
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 22 °C
Humidity: 37%
Wind: light
BPM: 113
Weight: 165.1 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 729.87 km

Walk 96: But I can still walk just fine

View from Cariboo dam, mid-walk

I did a walk to the turtle nesting area at Burnaby Lake and back and today I saw no turtles at the nesting area (as usual), nor anywhere else. But there was also no sun for them to bask in, as conditions were cool and cloudy–which would have been nice for running (sob–see previous post).

Still, despite an apparently poor sleep, I managed a very decent pace of 9:07/km and experienced no pain, discomfort, heartbreak or ill-tempered dogs. So it was a nice walk. Even the geese never hissed at me. It seems several families have taken up camp between the dam and the turtle nesting area, so I suspect I’ll be seeing them regularly until the young ones can fly and become true poopmonsters. Speaking of poop, the amount in that area is…growing.

Oh, and on a technical note: If you haven’t connected a Bluetooth device in a while, expect problems. My AirPods refused to connect to my iPhone (“It just works!” has always been a filthy lie) and the issue did not fix itself until I restarted the phone. Technology!

Anyway, it was a nice little outing.


Walk 96
Average pace: 9:07/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 8.40 km
Time: 1:16:35
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 15 °C
Humidity: 63%
Wind: light
BPM: 117
Weight: 166.4 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 719.79 km

Walk 95: Your shoes are untied human!

Greenery on land and water, Burnaby Lake.

My pace was a little slower today because I stopped and started a lot, mostly to take photos, sometimes to get a drink or observe various shenanigans.

The walk was a bit cooler today, but in a way it felt hotter because my good friend humidity was higher and making its presence known. Sweating was involved.

I wore my street shoes, which was a mistake. They just don’t feel as good for exercise-style walking, and one of the shoes actually came untied, which basically never happens. I was shocked. Shocked! Well, surprised, a little.

I saw geese, baby geese and another turtle (the same turtle?) sunning itself on a rock on the Brunette River again (third time I’ve seen a turtle there in the past week). It’s turtles all…across the river.

Overall, this was a pleasant and fine outing. My knees did not complain at all, so I am happy with that.


Walk 95
Average pace: 9:35/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 8.43 km
Time: 1:20:52
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 27 °C
Humidity: 49%
Wind: light
BPM: 121
Weight: 165.5 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 711.39 km

Walk 94: Hot in the city

View of Burnaby Lake near the turtle nesting area

In the ongoing quest to Save the Knees™ I did a basic walk today to get some exercise and not overly stress the middle parts of my legs.

It was 31C, so even walking there was sweating to be had, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, as humidity was relatively low. They are saying summer will be hot and dry, so I wonder if last year’s Xtreme humidity will turn out to be an anomaly.

The walk went fine, the knees did not cry out, nor did any other part of my body. All dogs encountered were on leash and well-behaved. I saw another turtle on the river. I walked as far as the turtle nesting area at Burnaby Lake, where I have yet to see a turtle.

I was feeling zesty so wore a sleeveless t-shirt1Would these more properly be called o-shirts?, but made sure to slather myself liberally in sunblock to avoid an embarrassing and possibly cancerous early season burn.

Overall, it went well and it was nice to be out in the trees and stuff.


Walk 94
Average pace: 9:28/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 8.45 km
Time: 1:19:59
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 31 °C
Humidity: 32%
Wind: light
BPM: 120
Weight: 167 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 702.96 km

Walk 9: Saving the knees

Brunette River, late afternoon sun

Instead of my usual Monday run, I did a Monday walk, the better to preserve my right knee until the appointment on Friday.

Good news: The knee is fine. Better news: I walked 8 km, equivalent to about what I would do for a 10K run, minus the 10K run.

It was entirely pleasant, but I insured I would not foolishly start running by wearing my street shoes. In reality, there was no real chance that I’d run, because I am rather concerned about making things worse and having to wait even longer before running again.

But it went well, I maintained a respectable pace and all that.


Walk 93
Average pace: 9:28/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 8.09 km
Time: 1:16:31
Weather: Partly cloudy
Temp: 17 °C
Humidity: 60%
Wind: light
BPM: 127
Weight: 166.1 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 694.51 km

Walk 91 and 92: A pair in the snow

There was definitely no running involved!

(Okay, a tiny bit as an experiment as I mentioned in the prior post).

Basically, I walked to the lake and back, as if I were doing a run, but without the running part. This was done to:

  • Assess how viable running would be on the trail (not very)
  • Get out for some fresh air
  • Burn a few calories instead of sitting on my butt eating crackers

The main thing here is that once I got onto the river trail (which is to say, once I was off nicely shovelled sidewalks), my pace slowed a fair bit over my usual walking pace. It wasn’t super slippery, but it was enough that I couldn’t walk at my usual breakneck (for walking) pace. The first walk, my left big toe got cold for some weird reason. It was fine on the way back.


Walk 92
Average pace: 10:04/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.08 km
Time: 41:02
Weather: Overcast
Temp: 2 °C
Humidity: 93%
Wind: light to nil
BPM: 108
Weight: 161.8 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 690.18 km
Walk 93
Average pace: 10:17/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.33 km
Time: 44:32
Weather: Overcast
Temp: 5 °C
Humidity: 91%
Wind: light to nil
BPM: 181
Weight: 161.8 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 694.51 km

The view along the way (the debris is from a now ex-tree that fell over):

Walk 91: Less ache, more run

I stretched my walk today to allow for a full 2 km run along the river trail and posted some pretty good times:

1 km: 5:36/km
2 km: 5:30/km

All while maintaining a BPM of under 150.

The achiness in my legs isn’t completely gone, but it’s mostly gone, so I was able to start running without the same discomfort as yesterday.

A pall of smoke from forest fires is thick over the area today, but the river trail wasn’t that bad, otherwise I may have skipped the running.

Again, it felt good to get out, and today I was able to appreciate the more Zen-like aspects of running, which was nice.

Tomorrow I am planning to do a 5K and if it goes well, I’ll go back to my usual 10K run on Friday. We will see.

Here’s a shot of the Brunette River, from the bridge on North Road, about 2.5 hours before sunset. You can see the smoke haze in the distance.


Walk 91
Average pace: 7:57/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.75 km
Time: 61:43
Weather: Sun and high cloud/smoke
Temp: 19 °C
Humidity: 64%
Wind: light
BPM: 120
Weight: 160.2 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 686.1 km

Walk 90: Achy breaky run

My legs have been mysteriously achy over the last few days. The last time this happened, I was told to take Tylenol or Advil and stop bothering people in the medical profession. Today would have been a run day, but due to the achiness I opt to just do a walk with some running mixed in. My first tentative attempts at the running part do not go well, as the very upper parts of my legs hurt enough to inhibit moving at a pace faster than a brisk walk. So I walk briskly.

I continue this, but keep trying to run periodically, and gradually the ache fades, until I am able to actually get a decent run going, bringing my overall pace down to 8:15/km.

Later, while preparing dinner, my legs were relatively fine, but my lower back really started hurting. Bad posture? Bad karma? Old? I do not know.

It was nice to get out, though. The weather was a bit smoky, due to regional forest fires, but it was very mild, and the forecast suggests two more days of pseudo-summer before seasonal temperatures and actual precipitation return.

Here’s a shot of the work they’re doing in Lower Hume Park, which I walk through on the way to and from my runs/walks. As you can see, they are planting trees a-plenty as part of a plan to return this section of park to a more natural state. It was previously just lawn.

Trees, trees, trees


Walk 90
Average pace: 8:15/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.43 km
Time: 62:56
Weather: Sun and high cloud
Temp: 18 °C
Humidity: 68%
Wind: light
BPM: 122
Weight: 158.4 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 678.35 km

Walk 89: Test run

I picked up my new trail runners today and this afternoon, lacking time for a full run, gave them a test on a shorter walk on the river trail. The run part was a little under 2 km, with one km coming in at a peppy 5.38/km.

The shoes are Peregrine 12s, and the last time I had Peregrines (version 9) they were heavy enough that I eventually demoted them to walking shoes. These are considerably lighter, have normal-length laces (compared to the weirdly long laces of the Brooks Caldera 5), fit nicely and have cushioning I would describe as neutral vs the Brooks, which skewed slightly toward cushy. They offer more support than the Switchbacks, though I miss the Switchback’s lacing system.

Overall, the new shoes check out fine. The walk itself started out a bit sluggish, partly from the malaise of a multi-day headache, but the running portion made up for it.

The weather was sunny and warm again.

No nice picture of the river today, though. Sorry!


Walk 89
Average pace: 8:41/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.68 km
Time: 49:20
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 21 °C
Humidity: 59%
Wind: light
BPM: 119
Weight: 158.7 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 670.92 km

Walk 88: Shorter, more casual

After yesterday’s unwelcome headachepalooza, I scaled back my original plan for a 5K run today and instead did a brisk 7.40 km walk, with minimal running. It was sunny and pleasantly warm, as it has been pretty consistently for the last three months. BUT the 10-day forecast now suggests the possibility of precipitation by the 20th, so our weirdly long dry spell may at last be coming to an end.

Here’s a shot of the Brunette River I took from a spot I normally don’t visit. I could have gone in more, but that would have been clambering over rocks, and I was not in a clambering mood. Still, you can once again see how low the water is.


Walk 88
Average pace: 9:13/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.40 km
Time: 68:16
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 21 °C
Humidity: 59%
Wind: light
BPM: 108
Weight: 158.5 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 665.24 km