Walk 23: Getting cooler

Eleven days later and the temperature went from 21ºC to 11ºC. That said, there was virtually no breeze, so it didn’t really feel like 11. It was also nice to be outside again after a week and a half, even with all the BDOs (Bad Dog Owners) on the trail.

I’m writing this a day later because I just plain forgot to write about the workout afterward, distracted by shiny objects and other things and it’s surprisingly difficult to remember particular details even a mere 24 hours later.

I felt pretty good throughout and had no issue on the run portion, posting a fairly zippy pace. The dog owners were somewhat annoying, but the dogs themselves stayed out of the way. Although it was the weekend, I was somewhat surprised by the number of people out, as the sky threatened rain (though it didn’t actually come).

Overall, a nice trip back into the outdoors before it gets too dark and cold to do it for another season.


Walk 23
Average pace: 7:29/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.87 km
Time: 58:51
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 11ºC
Humidity: 90%
Wind: light
BPM: 132
Weight: 170.2 pounds
Total distance to date: 176.91 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 22: Getting warmer

Early fall weather continues to be weird and summer-like as it was around 21 when I went out this afternoon. The crispness in the air was largely gone, too. It really could have been a day in mid-June.

I had a bit more pep in my stride and only one USI (Untied Shoelace Incident). The running part came in around an average of 5:40/km, which was nice. And every dog (well, the one I saw) was on leash. Yay.

After taking the day off yesterday it was good to get out and aboot again.


Walk 22
Average pace: 7:35/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.61 km
Time: 57:40
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 21ºC
Humidity: 67%
Wind: light
BPM: 129
Weight: 170.3 pounds
Total distance to date: 169.04 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 21: Chilled and slower

Even though it was 18 degrees, it felt a lot cooler, with a bit of a breeze blowing and almost all of the river trail now in the shade. It wasn’t uncomfortable by any means, but the bite of fall air is definitely there.

Perhaps because I was feeling a bit cooler heading out (but not in the Fonzie way), my pace was slower on the walk segment and a tad slower on the running part, but still not bad overall. I’d call this workout pretty average, with BPM and other stats reflecting that. Not bad, just…fine.


Walk 21
Average pace: 7:44/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.65 km
Time: 59:07
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 18ºC
Humidity: 67%
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 122
Weight: 169.6 pounds
Total distance to date: 161.43 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 20: Cool and far out

Well, as far as Burnaby Lake, at least.

Today the temperature was a bit cooler, but it was still higher than normal and sunny and warm, so it was nice for walking and running. I also started out in the morning to try to beat the crowds, which didn’t exactly work, but there were no dog incidents or crazed cyclists or anything.

My tiny bladder didn’t set off the alarm bells at the usual point, so I opted to do an extra leg into Burnaby Lake and use the Jiffy John there. I finished in a jiffy because those things are gross, stopped to take a few pics of the lake, then headed back, covering a little over 9 km. My running pace was not as blistering today, but that’s okay, it was still fine. It’s funny how quickly I get used to the improvements in pace and then shrug them off as no big thing when they are actually quite nice to see.

Anyway, Nic and I went bird watching at the lake later and I ended up covering over 26 km today, so I am possibly re-thinking my plan to do a full run tomorrow. We shall see.


Walk 20
Average pace: 7:35/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 9.13 km
Time: 1:09:15
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 17ºC
Humidity: 77%
Wind: light
BPM: 127
Weight: 170.4 pounds
Total distance to date: 153.78 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 19: Fast feet and bad dog owners

The weather is being weird right now, with fall working in reverse, each day being warmer than the previous. It felt more like mid-July when I headed out. I mean, it was nice, but weird. There is a bit of smoke haze back, but not nearly as bad as for–you can still see the sky, for one. It was also quite humid again.

All that said, I felt peppy heading out and was somewhat saddened when my first km of running showed a pace of 5:37/km (which would have been awesome a few days ago). I pushed slightly for the second km and my pace dropped to 5:16/km. I can confidently say this is the fastest I have moved in a single km in quite awhile. I ended with an overall pace of 7:26/km, which is also a new high (or low, depending on your perspective).

The only real down note were a couple of dog owners. One couple had a toy dog of some sort. It looked a bit like a Greyhound that had been zapped with a shrink ray and for some reason they kept it on leash (good), but then let the dog drag the leash behind it (weird and bad, because the leash was probably four meters long. I was able–while still walking–to catch up to the trailing leash and easily could have stepped or tripped on it). This wasn’t too bad, though. The other dog owner had three dogs, in small, medium and large sizes, all of them off-leash for the triple bad strikeout. The small dog was trailing behind and nearly got caught underfoot as I passed it. The owner was oblivious to it.

The medium dog was the bets-behaved, sticking close to the owner. The large dog, which looked like a husky or a husky cross, was well ahead of the owner. As I moved over and began to pass, the large dog took interest in me. It was friendly, but having a large dog approach me while running is never a good thing, because dogs are dumb and unpredictable. This is why they need to be leashed when in public (sorry, dog owners, dogs are dumb. So are cats. And rabbits. Plus rabbits will pee on you. But I digress.) As the dog approached, I turned my head back to the owner and uttered my favorite phrase to all dog owners:

Leash your dog(s).

That was it. I kept running and I gave my free advice with no malice in my voice, just a simple request. I don’t think the owner had a leash, let alone three of them. But now she knows at least one person is not impressed with her free-stylin’ dog walking.

Back to the walk, though–I was quite pleased by it. I’ll do another walk/run tomorrow and then probably do a full 5K on Sunday. Current forecast is calling for 17C and light rain, which is a lot more typical for early October and is fine by me, as rain means fewer people.


Walk 19
Average pace: 7:26/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.54 km
Time: 56:06
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 24ºC
Humidity: 54%
Wind: light
BPM: 130
Weight: 169.9 pounds
Total distance to date: 144.65 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 18: The pause that wrecks your stats

I was feeling slightly lazy at the end of my work shift and toyed with the idea of not going out, of indulging in some good old-fashioned laziness. Then I considered the consequences of starting off a new month this way. What next? Scarfing entire bags of donuts?

I went out, half an hour later than usual, but out all the same.

Weather-wise it was cloudy, but still warm and rather muggy. I sweated a fair bit.

But my pace was good on the way down the trail and I was confident that I’d maintain that level of energy after almost not going out at all.

Given my tiny bladder, I diverted briefly onto the usual side trail to take my usual bio break. I paused both the music and the workout while I did my business, as I always do. I then resumed the music and the workout, refreshed and ever-so-slightly lighter.

Except I didn’t actually un-pause the workout, only the music. When I went to check my distance a short time later I immediately realized I had done this. The stats below reflect this, in that it shows me running about 300 meters less than I normally would.

Undeterred, I still managed to get a full 2 km stretch of uninterrupted running in by extending the running part into Lower Hume Park. I even caught a break on traffic on East Columbia, allowing me to exit the trail and cross without having to stop. Better still, my pace for both was a zippy 5:25/km. I also matched this pace again in the final two-block stretch before getting back to the condo.

Overall, it was a good workout, where everything–except remembering to un-pause–seemed to click. I was a bit concerned about the shoes after yesterday’s lace fiasco, but both shoes stayed tied for the entire hour. I am probably ready to tackle another full 5K soon–perhaps this weekend.

Walk 18
Average pace: 7:30/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.24 km
Time: 54:19
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 21ºC
Humidity: 68%
Wind: light
BPM: 125
Weight: 169.5 pounds
Total distance to date: 137.11 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 17: Come undone

Not me, my shoelaces. In what may be a record, both shoelaces came untied multiple times. The right lace came untied about five times. By the end I think it was openly mocking me, just jerking me around because it could. “Getting up a nice head of steam? How would you like to stop and have to tie me up yet again? Haha, there you go. I promise to stay tied for twenty seconds this time. And by twenty I mean five.”

I was a bit slower on the way out, but made up for it on the return, ending with the exact same pace as yesterday, even though it was warmer still–24ºC, which is kind of crazy for late September–and sweating was copious. I felt weird at the start of the trail, as if I was weak from not eating or something (I had toast and jam in the mid-afternoon), but it seemed to clear up as I pressed on, and though the running part started a bit slow, I did find my pace, albeit with copious shoelace interruptions.

I’m not sure what to do about the shoelaces yet. Clearly I am doing something wrong in tying them, but we’ll see if I can magic them into place or just get new laces or maybe run barefoot or something.

Anyway, it was still good to get out and despite the summer-like weather, there were fewer people out and aboot, which was nice (he says, swearing he is not anti-social).


Walk 17
Average pace: 7:39/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.54 km
Time: 57:58
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 24ºC
Humidity: 55%
Wind: light
BPM: 122
Weight: 170.1 pounds
Total distance to date: 129.87 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 16: Warmer with big dogs

I set out after work today, which is somewhat rare for a Monday, but it was sunny and warm and I wasn’t going to pass it up.

There weren’t as many people out, though a number did have some large dogs off-leash. At one point one of these large dogs was coincidentally trotting alongside me as I ran. I didn’t like this, so I turned my head and told the owner to leash it. She called the dog back, but I didn’t see what happened next. Hopefully the dog magically changed into a cat.

I felt about the same as yesterday and performance-wise was also about the same. Weird! As a special bonus, I had no untied shoelaces and didn’t have to empty my tiny bladder even once. In all, a welcome start to a fit week.


Walk 16
Average pace: 7:39/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.54 km
Time: 57:41
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 22ºC
Humidity: 53%
Wind: light
BPM: 124
Weight: 169.7 pounds
Total distance to date: 122.33 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 15: Surprisingly spry

I headed out again a bit later than normal, though earlier than yesterday and once more the trail had people on it, but it was generally OK. The off-leash dogs behaved themselves, at least.

It was sunny and warmer, which would normally be nicer, but it made me feel a bit dope as I started the running part around the 4K mark. Then a shoelace came untied. Then I had to pee. I was concerned that someone might come across me today on the side trail that I use as a toilet (I swear it’s not as bad as it sounds). I’m not sure what I would do if that happened. Stopping mid-pee seems worse than not stopping, so I’d probably pivot slightly away so my back was more to them.

But I digress, this has never happened.

The odor of spray paint was in the air as I approached the overpass and I noticed two guys up near a pillar working on a cartoon dog in a suit. It was kind of cute, as one would expect. I’ll take a picture next time.

The run part started slow, but I warmed up and after that kept up a fairly torrid pace, with the second km coming in at 5:25/km, my fastest pace in quite awhile. As a bonus I didn’t feel like I was killing myself to achieve it.

I continued to run most of the way home and in the final block a guy ahead of me was smoking a joint, offering a new variation on the runner’s high.

I hate the smell of pot, for what it’s worth. Bleah.

Anyway, it was a good outing and I hope to have a similar one after work tomorrow.


Walk 15
Average pace: 7:26/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.61 km
Time: 56:36
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 17ºC
Humidity: 62%
Wind: light
BPM: 130
Weight: 170.8 pounds
Total distance to date: 114.79 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 14: Old man running

Today was somewhat interesting. I did not head out for my walk/run until about 4 p.m., which is on the late side for the weekend. As a result there were more people out and aboot and at first I was annoyed, then I realized it wasn’t a big deal and by the time I was running everything else melted away, as it should.

This was my second walk/run since my birthday and if you told me at age 20 that I would be running regularly at age 56 I would have laughed politely at your attempt to make a joke. But here I am, feeling totally smug and superior to the 20 year old version of me that was just starting to develop a belly that would expand and hang around for the next 22 years.

Conditions were similar to the last outing, though the wind was back to normal. I wasn’t sure how peppy I’d feel running but I turned in two km with a pace of 5:35/km for each, which is pretty good. Although I can still feel the left heel a bit, it has faded to where it’s not really registering, nor do I think it is keeping me from running as I normally would. This is also pretty good.

It started to sprinkle just a tiny bit on the last stretch when I was walking back home, and in a way I was disappointed to not experience a little shower, if only to feel manly or something for exercising regardless of the weather.

The running part meant my pace dropped from 7:50/km to 7:35/km, a nice improvement. Pretty good, one might say. I’ll try to get out again tomorrow. The forecast looks not bad at all, but we are entering the time where the weather can get a bit tricksy (observe today’s temperature and note that two weeks ago it was 30ºC.


Walk 14
Average pace: 7:35/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.53 km
Time: 57:11
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 14ºC
Humidity: 77%
Wind: light
BPM: 129
Weight: 171.6 pounds
Total distance to date: 107.18 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 13: Lucky, with no rain

The last few days has seen a shift in the weather, from delightfully warm and sunny to torrential rains and windy. Today saw a bit of a break from the rain after morning showers, so I donned my long-sleeve running shirt and headed out.

Given that it’s been a week since the last walk/run, I was expecting to be a bit slower–and I was, but only by a little (two seconds, to be exact).

The smoke haze was gone, and it was cooler, though it didn’t actually feel cool, even with a fairly strong breeze blowing (thanks to the long sleeve shirt, a rare case of me not overdressing). There were more people out than expected, perhaps because it was the first real break in the weather over the last few days, but not an issue in any way.

I felt a bit sluggish at the start of the run back but picked up momentum and saw a pace of 5:37/km on the second km, which is pretty zippy these days.

The area where the river mediation is being done is still roped off, but the workers were absent today, so I didn’t have to dodge any heavy machinery. Always a plus.

Overall it felt good to get out again and I am hoping to go 2/2 tomorrow.


Walk 13
Average pace: 7:50/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.67 km
Time: 1:00:10
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 16ºC
Humidity: 75%
Wind: strong
BPM: 128
Weight: 171.1 pounds
Total distance to date: 99.65 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8

Walk 12: Sweaty with construction workers

The smoke haze was about the same today as yesterday, which means it was better than the grossbuckets smoke a few days ago. It was also a few degrees cooler. BUT. The humidity was 70% and I sweated more (a lot more) than I have doing the same run when it was 30 degrees. Weather be crazy.

I pushed a little harder today and toward the end, on the running part, I could feel the burn in my chest. I’m undecided on whether it was from the exertion or the smoke coating my lungs in soot. I think it was the exertion. I turned in a fairly zippy 5:43/km pace on the second km, which was nice.

Overall, it went well. But regarding this:

Also, after posting signs back in August and then doing nothing for more than a month, they have finally started moving in equipment for the remedial work on the river. They were shut down when I went by, so hopefully the work won’t disrupt my workouts

Wrong! Well, somewhat wrong. The excavator was joined this afternoon by a car, pickup and two dump trucks, one which was being loaded with rock or other river stuff. Hopefully not turtles. I was able to get by without having to wait and while the first truck trundled off ahead of me as I headed back out, it was far enough ahead that the giant dust cloud it ,made had cleared by the time I caught up.

Also, semi-randomly, a lot of people are wearing masks outside now. I wonder if it’s more because of the smoke than the pandemic. I guess we’ll see when the smoke finally clears in a few months or whatever.

Anyway, it was a good, sweaty time, but I won’t object to a little lower humidity for the next outing.


Walk 12
Average pace: 7:48/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 7.83 km
Time: 1:01:10
Weather: Light smoke haze
Temp: 22ºC
Humidity: 70% (!)
Wind: light
BPM: 127
Weight: 170.8 pounds
Total distance to date: 91.98 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 8