Yes, I finally put some photos together. Enjoy!

Blackbird showing off its colours.

Chickadee with fall colours in the background

Coot in the shade, with a shaft of late light hitting its belly.

Cormorant with a catch too big to handle

Sandhill crane snacking in the grass

Feeding frenzy at Piper Spit

Female mallard in an inquiring mood

Golden-crowned sparrow in the grass

Glaucous-winged gull looking up

A rare (for me) glimpse of trumpeter swans flying overhead

Great blue heron up close and in harsh light

Mallard in a mouthing moment

Northern pintail looking sly

Northern shoveler after a successful shoveling, presunably

Snow geese on the shoreline outside the public part of Reifel Sanctuary

Maybe the chunkiest gray squirrel I've ever seen

Black squirrel getting seedy

Spotted towhee up very close

Wigeons about to do the dirty

Stuck behind a train at the end of our outing