Impossible things I’d like to see

A short list.

  • The ability to grow hair or not grow hair on specific parts of your body. Lush beard and moustache? Yes! Hair in my ear? No thanks!
  • A bubble around me that extends about three meters in all directions and forces everyone who enters it to act nice to me and anyone else in the bubble. And yes, I get to judge what counts as nice. Also, it randomly makes a lollipop every 10 minutes.
  • Bug-free software
  • Reasonable prices for storage and memory on Apple computers
  • World peace (you knew this was coming)
  • Logical, intelligent, and compassionate people who really want to make the world better running for the highest political offices1Joke: but then they wouldn’t be running, haha. It is a sad joke, not a funny one!
  • A single day in 2023 where AI is not covered or mentioned by tech sites and news
  • A magic solution to climate change that would fix things instantly
  • Teleportation (I secretly think this would also lead to chaos and complete change the world in ways we can’t begin to imagine. I just really want to avoid having to use public transit.)

More later, perhaps.

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