It’s the end of the month, time for a list!
The Good:
- Weather was mostly nice, except for all the forest fires everywhere. Locally it was sunny, but not usually too hot and humidity is lower compared to last summer.
- I resumed running at a more regular pace and my right knee is improving.
- Sexy legs, now nicely tanned.
- Progress continues on my epic game.
- I have kept up writing on this blog.
- I’m still not working in tech support.
- My social media intake has gone down. This has made me very slightly happier.
- We’ve decided to get rid of our cable TV package. This will make me slightly happier, too. And save us a heap of money over the year as a bonus.
The Bad:
- My weight went up 2.5 pounds
- I got hit with what was probably some flu bug, and while it didn’t hit hard, save for a day or so, it lingered on for weeks before finally going away. Long enough that I appreciated feeling healthy again afterward.
- We have a mouse. It is not a pet.
- My left running shoe has a hole that is opening up like the San Andreas Fault during The Big One.
The Ugly:
- Probably all those forest fires.