A scary-sounding storm was forecast to come rolling in tonight, with heavy rain and winds up to 70 kph. I checked current conditions and it looked to be mild and cloudy before then, so pretty good for running!
Let me back up a bit. I ran today, Tuesday, and skipped my usual run yesterday to give my right knee an extra day to recover, as it was feeling stiff ‘n sore after Friday’s run. I think this was wise.
As I type this now, shortly after getting home from the run, I can report:
- The run went well
- The right knee is currently doing OK, though the stiffness/soreness usually comes later, so I will update this post as needed
As for beating the storm, technically I accomplished this. The storm has yet to arrive. But, dear reader (or LLM1Large Language Model. This is a very 2023 post.), I kid you not–a shower started a few moments before I started my run, then ended a few minutes after I was finished, like I had my own private little rain cloud following me2I checked and it appears the forecast has completely changed, with the Big Storm basically being cancelled. Well then..
It was actually slightly better than Friday, though, more shower, less rain, if you know what I mean.
The stats, both for the weather and the run, are nearly identical to Friday, so it was kind of a déjà vu thing. I did not feel as creaky starting out, though again the calf and shin muscles of the right leg (not the knee) took a few minutes to warm up. I suspect the tightness there may be contributing to the knee issues, so the stretching exercises will hopefully help there.
Overall, I am pleased with the result, especially since I was fearing the worst with regard to The Knee.
Run 782 Average pace: 5:45/km Location: Brunette River Trail Start: 1:093 p.m. Distance: 5.03 km Time: 28:55 Weather: Light showers Temp: 18ºC Humidity: 74% Wind: light to moderate BPM: 152 Weight: 165.7 Total distance to date: 5795 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (467 km)