Run 906: The revenge of sidewalk, plus the first run in 28 days

Brunette River in winter dress, pre-run.

The good news: I completed my first run in 28 days!

The also good news: My pace of 5:53/km was slightly better than expected, given the extended time off (due to infection).

The not good news: At the 1.95 km mark, I tripped on the sidewalk just past the river trail and gravity won. Summary:

  • Laceration of left elbow. Did not break the skin.
  • Scraped right knee. It’s a pretty standard scrape.
  • Left hand: Torn skin, bloodied.
  • Right hand: Torn skin, bloodied, but more so. The right hand absorbed the majority of the fall.
Wound/Bandage update: I appear to have hurt my upper left thigh somehow. There is no visible bruise, but a few lacerations. It is very sore. It also seems my right wrist absorbed a lot of the impact and when I flex it a certain way it becomes very unhappy. Not a sprain (I think), just sore.

I now have four bandages/gauze covering various parts of my body. Kids, learn from me: Tripping on a sidewalk is not cool. Don't do it, no matter what those other kids say.

But let’s start from the start. I have been battling a bacteria infection for most of the month, and the last time I ran was on December 2nd. I felt I was ready to run again, so did my stretching and opted for a short 2.5 km run on the river trail. I dressed accordingly (running pants, rain jacket) and headed off. The first km was better than expected, with a pace of 5:46/km (I was expecting something closer to six minutes). I figured the second km would be slower, and it was, but not for quite the reason I expected.

When I run the river trail, I normally head past the gate at the far end, run down the sidewalk to where Cariboo Place meets Cariboo Road (they like cariboo around here), then turn and head back. I was heading toward the intersection when my left foot managed to perfectly connect with an uplifted section of sidewalk, causing me to trip. I had time to ponder whether I would regain my balance or go down. Given the momentum, it was inevitable that gravity would win, and it did.

I want to say I looked to my right and could actually see the skin tearing on my right hand, but that doesn’t seem possible, so maybe my brain was adding spice. As I laid on the ground, I did look at my right hand, which was bloody, then my left hand, which was also bloody. I paused the workout.

I stood up and, with nothing actually broken or sprained, resumed the run, being a bit more cautious on the sidewalk part. I kept going and finished the 2.5 km, with an average pace of 5:53/km, which is decent for a run that included me falling down.

Other than the tripping part, I experienced no issues or discomfort. This is good and is encouraging for regular runs going forward.

The hands are cleaned and bandaged now, but are stinging a little. Getting them cleaned and bandaged was a bit of an ordeal. They will probably sting for a while yet.

I am including photos of both my left and right hand, taken shortly after the fall (just after I finished the run), so the blood looks very fresh, like I had just murdered someone. The photos are behind spoilers, for obvious reasons. This looks worse than my previous tripping incident: Run 449: Foot meets tree root, tree root wins

NOTE: Bloody hands
Left hand
Right hand
The scene of the crime.


Run 906
Average pace: 5:53/km

Training status: Strained
Location: Brunette River Trail
Start: 1:47 p.m.
Distance: 2.51 km
Time: 14:47
Weather: Cloudy, some sprinkles
Temp: 5°C
Humidity: 90%
Wind: light
BPM: 149
Weight: 166.0
Total distance to date: 6,387.5 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 6 (157.5/284/441.5)

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