Autocorrect: The dream doesn’t quite live on

From a comment in a Verge article:

Obviously a Danish noble from that time period would not be black, but I find it pretty easy to Dudley’s my disbelief if the actor is playing the role effectively.

The author of the post replied to indicate autocorrect had changed what should have been “suspend my disbelief” to “Dudley’s my disbelief” which is an amazing turn of phrase, a great example of autocorrect still not really getting language, and an even better expression than “suspend my disbelief.”

I’m just delighted every way I look at this.

I am less delighted by a lot of the other comments for the associated Verge story. I hesitantly offer a link to it out of a sense of completeness: Amazon’s putting a three-day pause on reviews for The Rings of Power

Why you don’t write iOS articles on iOS devices

This is an excerpt from a Forbes opinion piece posted shortly before Apple’s WWDC event on June 4th. I can’t actually verify that it was written on an iOS device, but the crazy autocorrect suggests…a definite possibility.

Maybe iOS 12 will support a Siri command to run a grammar check on a document.

Smells Right Interns is the name of my etc. etc.

Hey Siri, hire an editor (lol?)