Bird art: Brown creeper

Based on a photo I took at Burnaby Lake this summer.

This is the first time the background1I’m still not sure I’m entirely happy with it, either, but it’s pretty close. I may tweak it, I may not. took longer to do than the actual bird. Much longer!

I will draw a bird soon

This is me promising on the internet to do something. Maybe not today, but soon, as defined as “in the next couple of days.” In the meantime, to help inspire me, my bird art of a Sandhill crane:

Sandhill crane being very Sandhill crane

Bird art: Cedar waxwing

I finally got to drawing one of these pretty boys, based on a photo I took on July 8, 2023 at Tlahutum Regional Park.

If I touched it up, I’d probably adjust the background colours and spend a little more time on the branch. But it’s fine-ish.

A short time later, this alternate (updated?) version:

Or maybe the original green with the updated blue? I’m going to bed now. πŸ˜›

Bird art: Snow goose

It’s been a while since I did one of these, and I figured I should get one more in before the end of the year. It’s not perfect, but it’s snow goosey enough. Based on a photo I took at Iona Beach on October 22, 2023.

Experimenting with geese

I’ve now got it in my head that I want to do one or more cartoon with geese, because they intrigue me and horrify me in equal parts.

My first step was to do a bird drawing of a Canada goose, but in a more deliberate cartoon style. This is my initial attempt, which I’ll refine as I go along. I’m using the most obvious joke here, they’ll probably get weirder or more obscure if I do more.

Bird Art: Full gallery (so far)

I finally got off my lazy butt and collected all of my bird drawings in a single gallery, which I will update going forward.

Here’s a quick summary of the process:

  • Tools used: iPad Pro 12.9″ (2020), Apple Pencil, Procreate
  • I use a photo I’ve taken, usually one I don’t post because it’s slightly out of focus or otherwise flawed
  • I do a line drawing of the bird, then colour in after

The line part usually take a few minutes, the colouring can sometimes take an hour or more, depending on the complexity. I have trended toward getting more complex with the drawings, but will still try to throw some simpler ones in.

There are also a few drawings that don’t follow the above formula, like the cobra chicken, killdeer and squirrel, which is not actually a bird.

The gallery: