Daily Drawing No. 55: Russian blue

Once more into the cats. I tried using reference on this, even stooping as low as tracing, but it just wasn’t working at all. Finally, in desperation I just winged the whole thing, plunking down the cat, adding the smile, then asking myself, “Why is it smiling?” and answering with, “Because it is contentedly crushing flowers in a pot.”


Daily Drawing No. 52: Poodle

I had to choose between a poodle and a ragdoll cat. I chose poodle because I thought it would be simpler. Ho ho.

This took a lot of work and it made me crazy. It’s not bad and I learned a few things, so I’m content with that.

I present the initial version and the finished one. I looked at the initial version and found that it was so hard to see the eyes it looked like they had been gouged out. Also, the ears weren’t quite as fluffy as I wanted, so I went in and did some canine surgery that was…mostly successful.

Final form of poodle:

Poodle from hell version:


Daily Drawing No. 49: Octopus

I was originally going to leave off the suckers, then decided to spend 5,000 hours adding them. Hooray!

And for the third sketch in a row, I immediately saw things I wanted to fix after posting.

Fixed octopus is first–the shading on the tentacles was fixed, along with replacing one row of suckers that were done in a slapdash style. I also went and tidied up a bunch of suckers because I am a sucker…for punishment! (lol)


Daily Drawing No. 48: Turtle

I suppose it makes sense that I’m a day late with a turtle. They can be rather slow.

But not this one–it’s a sea turtle! I decided to just keep it as a basic pencil sketch, but it turned out decently.

Again, I noticed things I wanted to fix immediately after posting, so the fixed turtle is first, the original is #2.

New improved turtle
OG turtle


Daily Drawing No. 47: Fish

This is a rainbow shark of sorts. I decided to do it all in pencils, which was…interesting.

I spent way too long on this for some meh results, but I did learn a few things along the way, so all goodish!

Also, I spent way too long trying to pick the background color.

Fake edit: After posting I went back and made some changes to the sketch (prompted by the “bucktooth” in the original). The revised version is first, followed by the original.


Daily Drawing No. 46: Whale

Killer whale, to be precise.

I was originally just going to draw a killer whale, then I thought it would be fun to make it look like a real killer, so I tried giving it a knife and I couldn’t get it to look right, so I switched to a revolver. A friend of mine long ago did an amazing sketch of a killer whale dressed as a gangster with a Tommy gun. I’m a long ways off from that, but maybe I’ll get there.

As you might imagine, getting a killer whale to hold a tiny gun in a giant flipper is not the easiest thing to pull off. But I tried!
