Here’s hoping that 2025 will be better than 2024. I mean, maybe aliens will save us. FOR DINNER. Or maybe they’ll save us because they find us worth saving. It could happen.
And if it doesn’t, then maybe 2025 will be better in other ways. I can’t think of them right now, but I am optimistic that they will come to me in time. Presumably before 2025 concludes one year from today.
I wasn’t sure how to summarize the year. It was not a good year. Bad things happened, and the stage is set for more bad things to happen in 2025. Global politics are a mess and fascism is on the rise.
I won’t even mention the U.S. election except to say that Americans have given themselves a generational black eye by putting Trump back in the White House when he belongs in jail. So much for accountability and consequences.
For me, the year was a series of health-related issues. I got sick twice for the first time in years, one minor illness, one that lingered a bit. I hurt my right knee again, but managed to bounce back and resumed running sooner than I had in 2023. I even posted some of my best run times in two years, which was nice. But health problems dogged me right to the end. I am only a day out from weeks of antibiotics to deal with a bacteria infection. This wiped out most of December, but I did manage to lose weight and keep most of it off as a result.
My return to running yesterday ended in disaster, as noted in an earlier post, when I tripped and fell hard on a sidewalk. A day later and I feel like I’m recovering from a car crash. Do not recommend.
Strata nonsense consumed much of my time. Too much. Stress was a constant companion. I don’t see light at the end of the tunnel, or dark. I just see the tunnel and it is very long.
Hopefully I’ll emerge from it in 2025.
May we all get through the next year intact.
Good riddance to 2024.
A cat trying, symbolically, to run from the year that was:
EDIT: Comics Outta Context had an apt choice to ring in the new year:
I never wondered what it would be like to live through a global pandemic and now that I am living in the midst of one, I can say that I was right to never wonder about it. I mean, it could have been worse than it is–here we are less than a year* (!) in and already multiple vaccines are being distributed, promising an eventual return to something that might resemble what we used to consider normal.
With that as a frame of reference, I suppose we can be grateful for the following in terms of how things went.
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Could Have Been Worse: A List
The virus could have been much deadlier. Even a fatality rate of 5% would have wreaked havoc across the world (that would equal around 16.5 million dead in the U.S.).
Trump could have been President of the entire planet instead of just the United States
It could have been even more easily contagious. You think getting people to wear masks was challenging? Imagine if people had to completely isolate to prevent the spread. On second thought, don’t imagine it. You may never sleep again. π
Transmission by murder hornet (credit to Tick for this one)
Rewires brain to accept all conspiracy theories
Causes a really itchy rash in the worst possible spots
Anyway, it looks like here in BC the vaccine rollout is expected to take until Fall 2021, so roughly 9-10 months. This means that all the measures currently in place will likely remain in place for most of the upcoming year. It sucks, but I’m sure it will build character or something. Here’s to some kind of normalish existence returning before we bring on 2022.
* Never has a year felt so paradoxically long, where days and weeks felt like they stretched on forever, and yet also felt to have gone by in a blur