What does this mean?

Also, I am really leaning into “posting whatever pops into my head (or social media feed)” lately. I’ll have more substantive posts, too. I’m pretty sure, anyway.

I present cat on shark:

I would give credit, but none was attached. I like the ambiguity of “Is the cat attacking the shark or is it just using the shark as a couch?”

The cat came back

Or rather, I came back and the cat was there. The last few times I saw this cat, it demanded extensive scratches and belly rubs before letting me pass. Apparently tonight it was on patrol, so it demanded affection, but was willing to let me go my way, since it had important duties to tend to.

Reminder: Don’t read the comments

This is mainly for myself, but also for anyone reading this. It’s true, not all comments are bad, but this morning I found myself reading a brief article on The Verge about running macOS on an iPad (the article was short because the real “article” is a YouTube video). There are dozens of comments from readers and while none are offensive or particularly displaying ignorance, it’s a rehash of all the same old Mac vs. iPad arguments I’ve seen before, and it made me realize I could be spending my time in other, possibly more productive ways

Like writing this blog post warning others not to spend time doing what I just did.

And now, a kitten discovering it has feet: