A bunch of robins and Northern flickers were foraging through the grass in Lower Hume Park. Let us not speak of the photos of the robins I took.
Here are two of the flickers, though.
Flicker #1:

Flicker #2:

Rare because it was in focus! Also, the outing was mini, not the birds. They were full-sized.
I gave my camera a thorough cleaning and took it to Lower Hume Park this afternoon to test it out and see if it would behave or go berserk.
It behaved!
I saw a Northern flicker, a pair of mallards, a bunch of robins and a song sparrow. I got pictures of all of them, but the song sparrow refused to stand still, so every shot is either an action shot, or it has its head down or facing away.
Here are three of the flicker, a robin and the male mallard.
We’ve had a northern flicker come bug-hunting outside our condo for a little while now, and today it seemed like it would stay long enough for me to grab a few shots, so I did. I had to shoot through a dirty living room window, so I did what I could to clean up the shots (they are grainy if you zoom in, alas). And it was almost too close at times to keep in frame. Shot with my Canon EOS M50.
Right side:
Left side: