I did not get a single visit to my blog yesterday, January 26. This calls for a sad face.
In other unrelated sad news, I walked along the Brunette River trail today to see if it was ready for running. Behold!
A little mucky in spots but completely clear and perfectly suitable for jogging. Hooray!
But you are saying to yourself, “Why is this sad? Is it because he has grown fat and lazy and it is sad that the trail is now free of snow but the desire to run has itself run away?”
The answer can be seen in the next photo. I emphasize that this photo was taken at the same time on the same two km stretch of trail along the river.
If you look carefully in the above shot you can see another completely clear patch of trail near the top. These two pictures cover the extremes as most of the trail is somewhere between the two, with a mix of snowy and clear patches that would work for limited running, provided you had nimble, gazelle-like reflexes to constantly alter course between the snow and no-snow spots.
It has been almost four weeks since the last snowfall. Given that the weather over the next ten days looks to be pretty similar to the last few weeks I am revising my estimate on being able to run outdoors again from early February to late February–a month from now and, incredibly, close to three months since my last outdoor run on December 4, 2016, or as I like to call it, the BS (Before Snow) era.
And to think I once found snow delightful. Delightful!
Damn snow.