Some days are diamonds, some days are dogs

The title is a slightly mangled quote from a John Denver song released in 1981. The actual lyric is:

Some days are diamonds, some days are stones
Sometimes the hard times won't leave me alone

I have no explanation for my brain’s interpretation of the lyrics, apart from possible confusion with David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs. This would be weird, but in keeping with the way my mind sometimes works.

The reason I bring this up is I have been in a bit of a funk all day, literally from when I woke up in the morning, fresh from a couple of unpleasant dreams. They weren’t nightmares (these are extremely rare for me as an adult), nor bad dreams per se, just…unpleasant. One I recall was being with co-workers in some sort of room and a woman from outside our work said something to me that the others could hear that was effectively, “I’m going to deal with you later, you troublemaker.”

I’m not a troublemaker, I swear! The dream never continued on to where the woman dispensed justice/clever put-downs and/or hit me in the face with a cream pie. Or it did and I’ve subsequently blocked it.

But it started me off feeling kind of lousy and I could not shake the feeling for the rest of the day. I can’t shake it now and it’s 9:46 p.m. as I type this. There are other things in the background that are weighing on me (which I’m not going to discuss here, because this is a blog, not a diary, so no dirty* secrets for you!) and they are no doubt contributing to the current funk. Maybe a good night’s sleep will help. Maybe I will draw a cat. Or dream about drawing a cat.

It’s not all bad, though. I feel I am making continued, if slow, progress on a number of fronts, so I say: Excelsior!

* secrets, as such, are not actually dirty