The indifferent witness ~or~ Screw that, I gotta walk my dog

I went out late this afternoon to close my rings and get some fresh air. The weather threatened rain, so I actually wore pants (well, sweatpants). Plus it was only 12C.

I was nearing the path leading to the stairs down into Lower Hume Park when I heard from the other side of the pool building the distinct crunch of two vehicles smushing themselves together. I paused my walk, went around the building and saw two cars by the crosswalk, the one that was directly behind the other featuring a new buckled hood.

The crosswalk here on east Columbia is one that features pedestrian-controlled flashing lights, but I did not notice them flashing at the time (though I wouldn’t swear they weren’t). The drivers of the vehicles were out and no doubt exchanging information and going through the usual fender bender rituals.

What I noticed next was a guy with a dog on the crosswalk. He looked hesitant. I am guessing this is what happened:

  • Guy with dog gets to crosswalk and does/does not push pedestrian light
  • Guy with dog steps out to cross
  • Guy in Car #1 sees this and obligingly stops to allow Guy with dog to cross without getting run down
  • Guy in Car #2 is oblivious to all of this for whatever reason and plows into the back of Car #1
  • Guy with dog then crosses and continues into the park, despite being a direct witness to the collision

Here is the guy wearing a very bright red hoodie.

But his dog was leashed!

I at least give him kudos for making himself highly visible. He should have at least talked to the guys in the cars, though. But he had a dog, and that means he (and by proxy) his dog can do anything they want, including ignoring accidents they have just watched happen directly in front of them.

I may have an issue with dog owners.