Writing about my ankle for 84 days may be difficult.
Today I offer an ankle haiku:
Oh ankle down there
Why did you injure yourself?
You stupid ankle
Difficult indeed.
Writing about my ankle for 84 days may be difficult.
Today I offer an ankle haiku:
Oh ankle down there
Why did you injure yourself?
You stupid ankle
Difficult indeed.
It was sunny for Halloween today. Not that people actually Trick or Treat when it’s sunny but at least The Rains did not ruin the evening for the wee ones.
Nothing new to report on the fitness front today but more possibly soon™.
No crunches today and a torrential downpour put the kibosh (it’s been far too long since I’ve used that word) on the initial bike ride, as my cycling jacket and pants are not handy and riding an unfamiliar bike (with hydraulic brakes, which sound industrial and scary) on streets slicked with rain seems like a good way to maybe screw up my other ankle.
But I’ll be working on something exercise-wise this week, even if it’s just rigorous gnashing of my teeth.
Doing some extended walking tonight I have to admit I could feel my ankle. Not hurting but there, like an itch in the part of your back you can’t quite reach.
Bummer. But not unexpected.
Stupid ankle.
I think I’ll try a few crunches tomorrow, just to get something started. I’m referring to the exercise, not the delicious mouth-shredding breakfast cereal of the Cap’n variety.
It’s raining today. Boo!
I am actually getting mildly excited over the prospect of cycling. It’s been a long while since I rode my bike to work and it’s been longer still since I just plain rode for recreational. I look forward to making all those seldom-used leg muscles cry out for a day or two.
Walking at a brisk clip continues to present no discomfort at all. I am glad. 80 days to go.
It’s sunny today. Hooray!
I can now walk briskly and my ankle does not hurt anymore. Hooray again! I am fairly positive now that the bone is not fractured but bruised. My plan is to feel it up on Day 28 and see if there is any pain when applying pressure. I suspect it won’t pass the test but I remain hopeful.
Here on Day 2 I find that I no longer feel any pain or discomfort when walking at a more leisurely pace. It still feels a bit tweaked when I pick up to my usual stride.
The weather is drizzly and cool — 6ºC when I checked a thermometer. For the first time this fall I wore my winter jacket and it felt good — which is bad, because it means winter and The Rains are not far off. The sun is also setting at like 3 p.m., too.
I have three trajectories planned for my non-running exercise:
Twelve weeks is 84 days.
The 84th day from today is January 16th, 2012. January 17th is when the doctor at the clinic officially cleared me for running again. I have vowed to blog for at least the next 84 consecutive days as a result. That will show my ankle who’s boss! Or something.
He didn’t want to send me for an x-ray because he said his treatment would be the same and why irradiate your body if you don’t need to? On the plus side I didn’t have to pee in a cup.
Since the ankle has been improving noticeably each day since my last run I don’t believe any bone is fractured because this kind of healing simply doesn’t jibe with that. Even my laughably bad Internet self-diagnostic skills have me feeling confident about that.
On the other hand it might be a bone bruise and clearly four weeks off was not sufficient for it to heal up fully. I can very clearly feel the discomfort/pain by applying pressure to the affected area so I’ll be checking periodically on the ankle to see if I can perhaps shave a few weeks off because 12 weeks is a freaking long time.
Meanwhile, I may have to learn how to swim to get some exercise and that went really well last time.