Exciting heel update, August 2020 edition

On July 14, the second official day of my summer vacation, I went for a walk around Burnaby Lake. The weather was nice, I felt good. It was a long walk, around 19 km in total. At around the 17 km mark my left heel began to hurt for reasons unclear to me. Some possibilities that I came up with later:

  • Pulled muscle
  • Bruised bone
  • Broken or sprained bone
  • I managed to walk so wrong I damaged the heel

It is now August 12 as I write this, nearly a month later.

The left heel is still sore.

Is it better than before? I will say it is better than before, yes. And it may in part still be sore because I keep going for walks, almost every day, though the distance has shrunk from 19 km to 7-9 km. And I walk aggressively. The heel actually doesn’t feel too bad on these walks, as if I am limbering up the muscles and they feel better as a result.

But I’m not a doctor, so who knows. It could be ALIENS.

If my left heel is still sore when my doctor is back from his vacation (hopefully he does not hurt his heels), I will arrange an appointment to discuss possibilities, like resting the heel or getting a bionic replacement.

This concludes my August 2020 heel update. There may be a Part 2.

Exciting heel update #2

It’s been four days since Tuesday’s heel tragedy. The good news is I can still walk and perhaps even walk and chew gum at the same time.

The bad news is my heel is still sore. Is it as sore? No. But it’s still sore, and it peeves me and continues to mystify me. But I went for a walk with Nic through Mundy Park today to take a bird picture (yes, we only saw a single bird. Well, actually, only one specifically in a tree. There was also a duck in the water.) and while my heel was starting to feel a little more sore toward the end, I got through the excursion without limping, curling up in a ball or demanding that Nic carry me out, and it is no worse for the trip out now, later in the evening and having been off it for awhile.

I was originally thinking I could run maybe as soon as this Monday (two days hence) but now it seem the end of next week is probably more realistic. Oh well.

Stay tuned as I suspect there are more heel updates to come. Woo.

Heel update: First and hopefully last in a limited series

When I went to bed last night I was sad because my left heel was still pretty sore from whatever mysterious thing happened to make it sore. I mean, I walked 19 km in just under three hours, but the right heel didn’t seem to mind, and I can’t recall the last time either heel objected to a walk so forcefully.

I regret to inform the six bots scraping this site that my left heel is still sore.

However, it is definitely improved over last night, so I am cautiously optimistic that I will not spend the bulk of my vacation hobbling around like an old war vet or a young protester after interaction with those supposedly there to protect and serve.

That said, I only walked to the store to get a few needed items, then another four blocks to meet my exercise goal for the day. The urge to walk more was approximately nil, which makes me sad, because I walk all over the place.

Tomorrow: Probably another update, hopefully the last.

As for vacation, the heel preoccupied my mind and body, so other than the store, I did a whole lot of nothing. I feel mildly guilty about this, so here’s a haiku about my vacation to make me feel like I did something:


Take it to relax
But oh yeah the pandemic
Afraid to go out

Hmm, that wasn’t especially cheerful, was it? Or not cheerful at all. Maybe tomorrow, with the heel back to somewhat normalish, I will be more inspired to think in positive terms.