Is it wrong to get excited about new appliances?

The washer broke a month or so ago, though it feels like five years. It would spin then shake then combine both until it felt like it was trying to reach escape velocity. We replaced the rubber ring (after waiting several weeks for the hard-to-find part to ship) that forms the seal when it’s washing (it’s a front loading machine) but after doing this the washer continued to made grindy noises and more disturbingly, smoke. We opted to replace it. Although the dryer still works, we further decided to replace them as a set and began looking for deals.

We found a matching set of Samsung machines at Coast Appliance and they have been delivered. We will install them soon™ and I expect it to be tremendous fun because they are stacking machines and weigh about as much as a pair of mated elephants. Despite that, I can safely say after dealing with a local laundromat for the past month, a place that features washers that leave your clothes with enough water in them to fill a bathtub, as well as staff who apparently hate customers and cleaning clothes, I am actually kind of excited about doing laundry at home again. As a side benefit, the purchase also made me clean the living room to make temporary storage space for the new machines (I don’t recommend replacing large household appliances as a means to encourage you to clean the house, as large household appliances are kind of expensive and you should probably clean anyway, because dust should never become so thick that you can carve into it.)