Snack-free, Day 23 of 30: A few crackers, a few chips

Some mild cheating today with a few light tortilla chips and a couple of crackers, but I was otherwise good–and no takeout!

Surprisingly, I was down today, to 170.1 pounds. This time I am going to venture a guess on tomorrow’s weight and say I will be up, even after doing a good workout tonight, because bodies are wacky, mystic rhythms, etc.

Snack-free, Day 22 of 30: Three squares

Three square meals, that is, with no snacking in-between.

Two of the meals were take-out, though, and the only walking I did was to get to and from work–though I did get off at 41st Avenue instead of 49th, so I got some extra walking in (this was mostly so I could take the mask off ASAP and breathe/not have my glasses fog up).

My weight was up slightly to 170.7 pounds. I make no prediction for tomorrow!

Snack-free, Day 21 of 30: One last cookie

I ate one more cookie today. I had to, in order to be rid of them. It was like a mercy killing. A delicious, chocolate chip-filled mercy killing.

But that was it for snacking today. I was otherwise good. I didn’t go for my normal walk/run but Monday is usually a day I take off because Mondays–cliches be damned–usually drag on interminably and are generally awful. Which today was.

I did go for two 15-minute walks, which is better than a kick in the pants, as they old saying goes.

Much to my cookie-laden surprise, I was down in weight this morning, coming in at 170.5 pounds. I am no longer going to guess what the next day will bring for my weight, because my body obviously moves to its own mystic rhythms.

But if I’m down again tomorrow, I’ll be rooting for more mystic rhythms in the future.

Snack-free, Day 20 of 30: The cookies crumble…

The problem with buying cookies is you end up eating some, but there are still more. The last time I did this I ended up “solving” the problem by gorging all of them over a couple of days. I felt gross, but it seemed better to get them gone than to have them hang around and get used to their sweet, delicious company.

So I’m kind of doing the same thing again. and I feel gross again. This is good, because it will reinforce why this is a capital letter Bad Idea.

My weight was up, but only by half a pound this morning. It will probably be up again tomorrow. Then I can spend the rest of the month working on what originally seemed like an easy goal–staying under 170 pounds–but which has only happened one time this month in total. Yikes.

Snack-free, Day 19 of 30: Cheater’s Paradise

It was my birthday and also kind of a bad day. I went to the grocery store and I bought everything on the shopping list. I also bought:

  • A box of 12 chocolate chip cookies (180 calories each)

The above-mentioned box now contains:

  • 8 of 12 cookies (720 calories consumed)

I also did not exercise, though I did go out for a bit of a walk. Technically I am probably only a bit over my daily calorie goal as my meals (you know, actually healthy food) were fairly calorie-light. I might go on the treadmill to assuage my guilt. Yes, it’s my birthday and yes, I knew I might do this, but I still feel bad. And fat. Fatbad.

On a positive note, my weight was back down, to 170.7 pounds. It is apparently in yo-yo mode right now. Here’s hoping it will return to “it’s all downhill from here” mode soon.

Snack-free, Day 18 of 30: My cheatin’ ways

Yes, today I cheated.

  • I had a Clif Bar
  • I had some tortilla chips and salsa
  • I had four chocolate-covered almonds
  • I did not go for my walk/run

I was also up in weight today, back to 171.2 pounds. Even though it was Friday, the day felt drawn-out and vaguely horrible, so I sought comfort in food.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m allowing myself to indulge for the day before taking this whole thing seriously again.

On the plus side, I did go out in the evening for a walk and managed to close my activity rings, so it wasn’t a completely fatful day. And latent guilt may stave off the worst of the indulgences tomorrow. Or so goes my theory of the moment.

Snack-free, Day 17 of 30: Forgetful

I am actually writing this post the following day because it was getting late and I forgot to post.

But I did exercise and pretty much behaved. I went for a run that felt like moving through water. My weight remained unchanged.

Snack-free, Day 16 of 30: A Triscuit, a tasket

I had six Triscuit crackers today and that was all for my snacking, so pretty good, considering I also did a walk/run and burned 500 calories there.

Also I admit I have no idea what a tasket is.

My weight was back down today, woo. I went from 171.2 pounds to 170.8 pounds. I’m hoping to dip below 170 again by the weekend. I promise to leave any donuts I may encounter unmolested.

Snack-free, Day 15 of 30: A toast to (and for) me

I did snack a little today, but only a small piece of toast with jam and a few crackers. I felt bad afterward. But no Clif bars!

I was up this morning, to 171.2 pounds, a modest 0.3 pound increase. I am hoping that I will resume the downward trend tomorrow, as I exericed today and all that. If I am up again, I promise to only seek comfort in carrot sticks.

Snack-free, Day 14 of 30: Some snacking

But also some exercising!

I did not feel well this morning. Some combination of the allergies, smoke and who knows what left me feeling clobbered, tired and wanting to stay in bed. Which I did, for awhile.

This led me to return briefly to using food for comfort, which I partly regretted later. The snacking:

  • A Clif bar
  • A small piece of toast covered with the last of the Nutella

So it could have been worse.

In better news, I weighed myself at the usual time this morning and came in at 170.9 pounds, which is up over Friday, but not egregiously so, and is pretty decent for a weekend of indulgence and virtually nothing but take-out food.

For the rest of the week and the month my goal is to get under 170, stay there consistently and begin the march to 160 pounds.

Snack-free, Day 13 of 30: Miss Vickies steers me wrong

Today was kind of a cheat day, as we were returning from Parksville and snacked on some Miss Vickies potato chips while waiting for the ferry. They were yummy and I’ll regret it tomorrow.

I have no weight-related news to report again, as my morning was once again scale-free at the house in Parksville. I suspect tomorrow will see me having to restart the trek back to 170 and below anew.

UPDATE: For fun (?) I weighed myself after dinner, which I never do because that is when I will be my most weightful. Yes, that is now a word. The result?

173.3 pounds, up 3.3 pounds since Friday. Zounds! But my body fat percentage dropped a full half percent. Yay! But Fitbit now considers me slightly overweight again. Boo.

We’ll get the usual numbers tomorrow morning.

Snack-free, Day 12 of 30: Technically no snacking

This was a full day spent house-sitting in Parksville, over on smoke-filled Vancouver Island. To be fair, everywhere is smoke-filled right now, due to fire all up and down the west coast of the U.S.

I did not snack as such, sticking only to the three meals, but the meals were not exactly calorie-light:

  • Breakfast: Sausage McMuffin with Egg and hash brown
  • Lunch: Chow mien with lemon honey ginger chicken
  • Dinner: Tropical Hawaiian pizza from Panago

Plus a small cup of chocolate mousse for dessert after dinner. This was probably a combined 50,000 calories. It just means I’ll have to dedicate myself that much more on return to the mainland!

No weight report today as the Parksville abode does not have a scale. I’ll just assume (hope) I am under, say, 174 pounds. Maybe.