Not to be confused with movies about nuclear war.
Today was the day after my first 5K outdoors in months, which also featured 8 km of walking to and from the lake. And how did I feel?
Tired. Very tired. I napped in the afternoon.
Sore, very sore. My legs are like, “What have you done to us? We treat you so well with the mobility and such and this is our reward?”
As of writing this now (around 5 p.m.) I have managed a 15-minute walk to limber up without overdoing it and I have a little more energy. I suspect most of the fatigue and stiffness will be gone by tomorrow, but it is an interesting and fun (?) reminder of how keeping in shape requires…keeping up with regular exercise. Weird, I know.
Here is an animated gif of a cat running as reward for reading of my suffering: