The ‘Is this spring?’ run

Average pace: 4:36/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.03 km
Weather: Overcast, light rain
Temp: 8-6ºC
Wind: moderate to strong
Calories burned: 355
Total distance to date: 2070 km (adjusted to what Nike+ is reporting–this may be taking into account a few walks that were uploaded)

I skipped the planned run on Thursday because I got home a little late and the weather at the time was a torrential downpour and with only two real runs in this year I couldn’t muster the desire to go out and get soaked to the butt. I also don’t have a proper weather-treated top yet, which I should probably do, since the chance of having rain-free runs for the rest of the year is approximately zero (times infinity).

As for the run itself, I charged out a little faster than I should have and as a result the second km left me feeling a bit more winded than I would have liked. I moderated my pace and felt fine for the remainder, though. It was rather brisk and the temperature actually dropped 2 degrees over the course of the run. It was warmer three weeks ago in March but April is often a blah month when it comes to weather.

I ended with a pace of 4:36/km, two seconds better than the previous run, so it’s nice to see I’m at being fairly consistent. The right foot is still not presenting any issues, also a plus.

I plan on doing two more 5Ks this week on Tuesday and Thursday, then I may try my first 10K on the weekend.

Amusingly, the iPod Nike+ app is still using Lance “Yes, perhaps I used steroids a lot” Armstrong’s voice to offer congratulations but they’ve surgically removed the bit where he identifies himself. If you don’t know his voice, it seems like some random guy saying “Good job!”

Tiger “I’ll trade my wife for 12 of yours” Woods, by comparison, still identifies himself because his transgression was outside the actual sport he plays in. If he starts cheating in golf Nike may have to start canvassing for new voices for the Nike+ app.

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