The run before it rains run

Average pace: 5:18/km
Location: Brunette River trail, Burnaby Lake (to Still Creek)
Distance: 9.48 km
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 14ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 684
Total distance to date: 2145 km

Tonight’s run was after work so to minimize walking I started the run from Lower Hume Park (about a 10 minute walk), took the Brunette River trail then crossed over to Burnaby Lake, taking the three optional trails before forking off at Still Creek and wrapping up at the Burnaby Lake SkyTrain station. By my calculations I figured I’d come up a bit short of 10K and I was right, covering 9.48 km. Without some creative zig-zagging this particular route will never hit 10K. I will ponder possible alterations to stretch it out.

In the meantime, though, this run went much better than the previous. I shifted the moleskin bandage down to just cover the pad of the foot and my toes emerged unscathed this time. I didn’t feel the first twinge until about 3K in and it wan’t until 8K in that it became a lot more noticeable, much later than before. At the end of the run I could walk on the foot and not feel any pain. The tendon in the right foot also warmed up nicely and behaved itself. While I won’t call them happy feet they were certainly no longer grumpy.

As a result my pace was a lot faster — 5:18/km, a 12 second improvement over Sunday’s 5:30 pace. With occasional spitting and the promise of much worse I wore my recently water-treated running jacket but I ended up not needing it. The skies did open up but they obligingly waited until I was on the SkyTrain heading back. I will note that I felt warm with the jacket. Not uncomfortably so but it’s pretty safe to assume I won’t need multiple layers until after summer now.

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