I started doing the #makingarteveryday prompts again in January, but took a bit of a break when I was spending a lot of time on art for game projects. By the time I was ready to come back, I found that the prompts had gone off in a wacky new direction, with some kind of journal thing (see here for details). I think this is great and shows some real creativity (and hard work) on the part of Lisa Bardot–but it’s just not what I want to do right now.
And so I have resumed my DDP1Daily Drawing Prompt quest once again. As you may or may not know, certain commercial interests have basically turned any web search for “best of” lists into a blasted, apocalyptic wasteland of sites designed only for SEO and serving ads to you, in the same way Homer was served donuts in Hell. Except if Homer didn’t ironically turn out to enjoy it.

Trying to find a decent prompt site can be challenging.
There is a site not surprisingly registered to drawingprompt.com. This is what I first saw:

And now I have the image of a Toast Human stuck in my head.
Which might not make for a bad prompt, really.
The site has you click on subjects to generate prompts. It’s like a game where everyone wins or something.

(I don’t know what an Instagram Posers prompt would look like. I’m not sure if I want to know.)
I’ve checked a few other sites and there’s always the weekly Inktober prompts, though weekly is not daily, unless I just draw a tiny bit of the prompt every day over the course of a week. I could always just come up with my own prompts (my brain hurts just having typed that out), or devise a method for generating random prompts, which feels like work and is therefore yuck.
I’m going to give myself a deadline to come up with a plan. That deadline will be:
Sunday, March 20, 2022
This is also the first day of spring, so a good time for fresh commitments!