Walk 118 and 119: Search for the vengeful tree root

I am determined to exercise in some way every day, so late this morning I went out for walkies.

The summer weather has returned after a few days of intermittent showers and clouds, so it was already 26C when I headed out, and a bit humid. I kept up a brisk pace for the 4K walk to Burnaby Lake. When I got there, I decided to walk the approximate 2 km up the trail to find the nefarious tree root that I tripped on in a recent run. I set off, knowing the approximate location.

As I approached the area, I slowed and started scrutinizing the ground. At one point I even caught my toe on something. A-ha! I looked intently at the ground and could not find what I had snagged my toe on. I guess it was just a bump or something. It felt like it was too early for the tree root, so I pressed on. I observed that this area is perfect for nefarious tree roots, as there is a lot of canopy–ergo, shade–but the sun also pokes through in lots of areas, creating a dappled pattern that makes the ground hard to read.

I could not find the root.

I did find a large, smooth stone protruding a bit out of the trail, so it’s possible my foot happened to snag on it at just the right angle, but it feels like it’s a little too close to the middle of the trail, and I always run on the right. But maybe.

I walked to the bridge with the 8K marker and headed back, completing a second walk of 6 km and a very brisk pace of 9:01/km. I sweated a bit! It was nice to be out and touch trees, but not trip on them.


Walk 118 and 119
Average pace: 9:09 and 9:01/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.02 and 6.02 km
Time: 36:43 and 54:15
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 26-28°C
Humidity: 59-55%
Wind: light
BPM: 118 and 119
Weight: 166.6 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 865.86 km

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