Walk 84: It’s hot, let’s walk around the lake!

With the high today forecast to be 30 or 31C, I decided to duck out in the morning to get a walk in before it got Africa Hot. As I walked down the river trail, a crazy thought entered my mind: What if I went to the lake…and then walked all the way around it?

I just ran at the lake yesterday and had over 31,000 steps, so today would have been a good day to rest, but I followed that crazy thought and did a complete loop around the lake, pausing occasionally to take photos here and there. The total distance was 18.7 km, and it took me 2 hours and 53 minutes to complete. By the end, I was definitely glad to be off my feet, but I’m also glad I gave in to the impulse and did it. Although it was quite warm, the humidity was actually closer to normal. On the negative side, the taste of smoke was in the air, likely carried in from a forest fire in the Fraser Valley (you can see the smoke haze in the shots I took, which I will put in a separate post).

The only real running I did was for about 30 seconds, to put some space between myself and a pair of people walking behind me, one of whom was carrying on their part of the conversation at maximum volume for reasons unknown to me.

Tomorrow: I’m going birding at Reifel, so there will be walking, but no Mega-Walking™.

One shot, from the viewing tower just west of Piper Spit, showing the smoke haze:

Smoke on the water


Walk 83
Average pace: 9:16/km
Location: Burnaby Lake and Brunette River trail
Distance: 18.70 km
Time: 2:53:10
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 24-29C
Humidity: 21-34%
Wind: light
BPM: 102
Weight: 160.2 pounds
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12
Total distance to date: 633.02 km

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