As the ancient elders Environment Canada foretold, we have indeed been bestowed with a white Christmas in 2021. It’s time for a list!
Snow good
- It’s pretty!
- Makes things nice and quiet
- I don’t have to drive around in it
- Forces some people to slow the heck down for a change
- Building a snowman helps hone art skills and provides exercise
- Making snow angels is good, clean fun
Snow bad
- If it rains after, snow becomes slush, slush becomes slushpocalypse with continuing rain
- Makes walking around, a task that is normally pretty easy, suddenly and annoyingly more difficult
- I don’t have to drive in it, but others do, and they make the roads more dangerous because Vancouver drivers and snow, amirite? (I am right)
- If it’s snowing, it’s cold. Brr.
- Unless you have proper attire, making snow angels will leave you wet and frozen
And today’s evidence: