The plan today was to do a 5K, stretch past that if I felt like it, and to run clockwise, figuring I’d have more shade and it would generally be less gross. And I was right.
Temperature was about the same as Wednesday, but humidity was a bit higher. Blergh. Fortunately, going clockwise mitigated a lot of this, as the south side of the lake is generally cooler and shadier. I actually didn’t feel that bad at the 5K mark, but knowing I had the slog of the Cottonwood Trail ahead of me (about 2 km in the sun) and with temperatures continuing to rise, I opted to walk the rest, which turned out to be a good idea, because I was pooped.
I’ve been seeing a bunny every time I run lately. But only ever one, which is odd. Is it the same bunny? Is it their chosen representative? Are all the bunnies at the lake brown? Will I be seeing many more of them soon?
As for the run, while it was definitely the right call to go clockwise, I can say I’ve had my fill of the hot and humid combo. I didn’t have any issues while running, though, and actually emerged less sweaty than the previous run (though still quite sweaty). I also put a pasty on my right nipple (uh, trigger warning for people sensitive about sensitive nipples) and it seems to have worked really well. I’ll scream loud enough to let half the city know when I go to take the two band-aids off.
Also, today’s run gives me a palindrome for the total distance. Enjoy, number nerds!
Run 698 Average pace: 6:15/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 9:54 a.m. Distance: 5.03 km Time: 31:26 Weather: Sunny Temp: 26-27ºC Humidity: 64-71% Wind: nil BPM: 148 Weight: 165.2 Total distance to date: 5115 km Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Brooks Caldera 5 (223 km)