UPDATE, April 20: The muscles and tendons around the knees were feeling stiff post-run and it probably didn't help that I walked to the store after instead of just resting. Today (the 20th) the stiffness is easing, and I have applied some Voltaren for the first time to help my legs feel better and sexier. I am still planning for a run on Friday (tomorrow). We'll see how that goes!
After giving myself some extra time to rest and recovery, I went out for another short-loop 5K run at the lake today.
I started out a bit too fast, as per usual, but managed to dial it down sooner than on previous runs, which helped keep the pace a little more moderate. My overall BPM was actually slightly higher than the last run at 152, but that’s more a reflection of the significantly cooler weather and higher peaks.
Speaking of weather, the last run was gloriously sunny and mild. Today it was unseasonably cool, cloudy and breezy. But at least it didn’t rain!
I ran an oddball route, starting from the Jiffy John™ and going past the 3K marker, down to Phillips Point, then skipping all three side trails on the way back. Just for variety, really. There were more people out than I expected, but it was lunch hour, too.
I feel that wearing two layers was the right call, but I may have been okay with just one. Maybe.
As for the knees, they held up fine. I felt a bit creaky at the start, but that was just from having extra days off, the knees never hurt at all during the run.
My plan for Friday is to do another 5K, but to go halfway around the lake and walk the rest of the way out, then back to 10K runs next week.
Stay tuned to see if my body remains intact!
Run 772 Average pace: 5:49/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW) Start: 12:52 p.m. Distance: 5.04 km Time: 29:16 Weather: Cloudy Temp: 7ºC Humidity: 72% Wind: low to moderate BPM: 152 Weight: 164.8 Total distance to date: 5745 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (417 km)