Run 796: Knees hold up, shoes say hello to all the gravel

View from Cariboo Dam, post-run

Conditions were back to normal, so I slathered on the sunblock before heading out today, though I skipped the water bottle, as humidity was still sufficiently high (and remained so for the duration). I opted to go clockwise and started stronger than expected with an opening pace of 5:45/km. This fixed itself shortly after. 😛

I was somewhat concerned going in, but not because of the knees. My left hip was acting up just walking to the lake, but it actually didn’t prove to be a factor in the run. Various tendons and muscles protested a bit during the run, mostly from stretching, I think, and as I type this the knees themselves seem to be holding up.

My shoes both have conveniently gravel-sized holes in them. The left one has a hole that is becoming more of a rift, and after the run I emptied a lot of small gravel from it. The right shoe has a single, smaller hole, yet a sizeable chunk of gravel managed to perfectly negotiate the hole and get under my foot. What I’m saying is it’s time for new shoes.

I felt okay during the run, though my pace dropped with each km, until I finally reversed in the last one and came in under at 5:55/km, a bit slow for the “easy” way, but I’ll take it. OTOH, my BPM was a mere 149, so maybe I was just slacking!

I saw a family of four on bikes post-run near the athletic fields. They were resting alongside the trail when I started my walk out, and I never saw them again, so maybe they did not actually attempt to further ride on the trail like the bad, very wrong people they were!

A few dogs were off-leash, too, but fortunately well-behaved. I guess it was Rules-free Friday or something. I also had to dodge both a guy with a weed whacker and another with a full-size mower thingie on a tractor. So much dodging.

Surprisingly, after the run, I had enough pep to keep up a decent walking pace. This is encouraging!

Anyway, the run was overall fine. Next week is looking to be very hot, and I am not looking forward to it, but we shall see.

Still Creek, looking west, post-run


Run 796
Average pace: 5:55/km
Training status: Maintaining
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 11:05 a.m.
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 29:43
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 21ºC
Humidity: 64%
Wind: light
BPM: 149
Weight: 167.0
Total distance to date: 5860 km
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (530 km)

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